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  1. #1
    Pattyb started this thread.
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    Help! I need to strip an old Johnson Outboard motor.

    Hey everyone. I have an old Johnson Outboard with a cast aluminium casing, but I need to take the motor out. Can anyone tell me how. Thanks again, Patty.

  2. #2
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    I haven't torn down any outboards but have owned several. Lots of small bits of ferrous to remove. If you don't remove them all you will get the irony Al or dirty Al price. I sugguest you call your yard and determine if it is worth the effort. You will never be certain til you try. I would get out the angle grinder, large hammer, and a magnet. Best of luck and take pictures, Mike.

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  4. #3
    Midnight's Avatar
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    I've got one to tear down myself. If I get a chance to get to it before you get your answer, I will let you know.

  5. #4
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I would start with draining any fluids Patty , then I would just do as mentioned above some tools and a magnet , me myself I would do it just to see whats there!!
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  7. #5
    Pattyb started this thread.
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    Hey mike this is a old one I just want the engine. Entire casing is cast aluminum I just want to separate the engine from the casing and scrap the casing.

  8. #6
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    You may be correct but I doubt it. Check the cylinder to see if it has a ferous sleeve if so it would have to be removed.

    As far a seperating the upper from the lower there are a few bolts that hold them together. There is the drive shaft coming out of the bottom of the engine(aka power head). In addition there is a shift shaft that is in front of the drive shaft.

    I just re-read what you wrote. Hit the casing very hard with a big hammer. It will break into bits. Check for any ferous still hanging on. And wear eye protection. Mike.

    PS the engine is mostly Al but it will take time to clean up. The lower unit is also mostly Al except the internal shafts and gears. Also the lower should contain gear oil. This is an unvented area so it STINKS. Do not drain indoors or get that stuff on anything you care about. Mike.
    Last edited by miked; 11-17-2011 at 10:27 AM.

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  10. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    The two strokes normally have a sleeve thats put in from underneath the engine (crankshaft end) basically the barrels a dead end & the sleeves gotta be taken out the same way as it was put in.

    On the other hand, because the things mostly Ali &/or Magnesium, with thin wall sections, a good bashing with a sledge hammer will work wonders.

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  12. #8
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post

    Use your safety glasses, & earmuffs, you can shut your eyes, but not your ears....
    I like the way you say that!
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