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  1. #1
    ScrapHunter started this thread.
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    Getting permission to go onto bank-owned property?

    I found a great old dump site off in the woods and I'm itching to get down there. Didn't want to end up on the business end of a shotgun so I asked around and found out the property is owned by the bank. The fella I talked to seemed pretty upset about it and said I should just take what I wanted no one would care. Was wondering the best way to approach a bank for permission. Seems like a waste of time but the dump is loaded with copper.

  2. #2
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    I can't believe you wrote "waste of time and loaded with copper" in the same sentence.

    Just joshin' with ya.

    I don't have any tips on approaching the bank, but if you get permission, make sure you have it in writing to show the busybodies that will inevitably show up and want to know what you're doing.

  3. #3
    ScrapHunter started this thread.
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    Would be time well spent for sure! I could spend days there but don't want no trouble with the law. The old cars there are mostly buried and I can only imagine whats buried next to them.
    Last edited by ScrapHunter; 12-04-2011 at 12:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Filthy's Avatar
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    I ran into a situation like this one time. I was scrapping at a forclosed property as the previous homeowner was still in the process of moving out.

    The bank had possession of the house, but the previous owner had 30 days or so to move his things out, and there was already a new lease agreement for some charitable organization to set up a year long fund raiser tied to the historical value of the property. This is where it got complicated:

    The homeowner was letting me scrap his things, the bank was not, and the new leasee had some issues with what belonged to the bank and what belonged to the homeowner. I ended up having to hang out all day on the property and waiting for all three people to show up before i could even take anything off the site, and even after all was said and done, i had to return about 150# of old broken lead gutters that they all agreed i could take in the first place. it was a mess, and im not sure i would do it again.

    However, in your case it sounds like written permission from a bank representative would be enough to scrap junk found outside of any buildings or buried in the ground. if all, it takes is a few phone calls to get it, go for it! scrap the planet
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  5. #5
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    contact the bank and aak directly on who to speak to. let them know you would like to offer your services for free and go from there.
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  6. #6
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    Dont forget to keep an eye out for old bottles!

  7. #7
    skipRAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    contact the bank and aak directly on who to speak to. let them know you would like to offer your services for free and go from there.
    This i think is the best way to work it.
    The bank will want this Property / plot cleared ASAP

    but if you get permission, make sure you have it in writing
    Or at the very least get a contact phone number of , the person or department in the bank who have given you permission to clear the site.

    Sounds like you have stumbled onto a "copper-mine"

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  8. #8
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapHunter View Post
    I found a great old dump site off in the woods and I'm itching to get down there. Didn't want to end up on the business end of a shotgun so I asked around and found out the property is owned by the bank. The fella I talked to seemed pretty upset about it and said I should just take what I wanted no one would care. Was wondering the best way to approach a bank for permission. Seems like a waste of time but the dump is loaded with copper.
    Good luck with that. I have a friend who spent all day today trying to buy a bank owned property that didn't sell at a foreclosure auction. (She missed the auction because she got the dates confused). She talked to four different people at the bank- some of them told her that the bank didn't even own the property so she had to call the county clerk's office and found out that the bank did indeed own the property. No one at the bank knew anything helpful. I told her to call tomorrow and insist on speaking with a supervisor and if that person doesn't help her to ask to speak to that person's supervisor and so on up the food chain.

    Hope you have better luck - she was dealing with a megabank maybe your's is local.
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipRAT View Post
    This i think is the best way to work it.
    The bank will want this Property / plot cleared ASAP


    Or at the very least get a contact phone number of , the person or department in the bank who have given you permission to clear the site.

    Sounds like you have stumbled onto a "copper-mine"

    Be Lucky

    If you happen to find someone who owns or manages a property, and you can offer them quality services, for the same price or lower than your competitors, they will use YOU every time!

  11. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    Good luck with that. I have a friend who spent all day today trying to buy a bank owned property that didn't sell at a foreclosure auction. (She missed the auction because she got the dates confused). She talked to four different people at the bank- some of them told her that the bank didn't even own the property so she had to call the county clerk's office and found out that the bank did indeed own the property. No one at the bank knew anything helpful. I told her to call tomorrow and insist on speaking with a supervisor and if that person doesn't help her to ask to speak to that person's supervisor and so on up the food chain.

    Hope you have better luck - she was dealing with a megabank maybe your's is local.
    This reminds me of a situation a lady friend was in. The bank foreclosed on her house about 3 years ago. The county still sends her the property tax notice every year. The place has never been touched in all this time, I don't think the bank is even aware of having ownership.
    This house is in a deed restricted subdivision, where the lawns need to be manicured, no cloths lines, etc. The association sees to it the grass is cut and just files a lean on the deed of the property. By the time the bank figures out they own the joint it will be so devalued it's not even funny.

    So good luck Hunter! I do know here the banks use property management companies to over see the properties.
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  13. #11
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    I did foreclosure clean-ups for years and every state is a bit different, but one thing is consistent..banks hate having to deal with foreclosures. They tend to drag their feet and become very procedural when forced to act. their #1 concern is having non-insured/bonded vendors on their property. So go get #1 million in general liability coverage ($1200 to 1500 per year), get some professional looking paperwork with an estimated charge for debris removal and start picking up clean-up jobs. A bank by and large is suspicious of free removal offers, the professional world charges for every thing and that is what they expect to see. Make sure you represent yourself as a 1 person operation so you don't have to show additional work/comp,insurance,bonds. This not a hard business to break into and you get paid to remove scrap!!

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  15. #12
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    Great advise! ^^^

  16. #13
    ScrapHunter started this thread.
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    Talked to the bank today and the manager said I should write up a proposal and they would take a look at it. Luckily it's a locally owned bank not one of the megabanks. Found out they want $5M for a 11.5 acres. Gonna write up that proposal real soon. Thanks for the advise.

  17. #14
    ScrapHunter started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdean View Post
    Dont forget to keep an eye out for old bottles!
    I did pick up a few bottles to try to see if I could figure out a timeline. Unfortunately the only old looking non-broken bottle I found was this Gatorade bottle. Don't remember ever seeing a glass Gatorade bottle but apparently they were produced until 1998. Did get a few broken ones that are probably from the 40's or 50's. No I didn't get the 40 oz from the dump

  18. #15
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    That Miller looks pretty fresh! That gal sure has some long legs there!

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  20. #16
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    Joe, your supposed to be looking at the dirty bottle,,, dam* kids anyway.
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  21. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Joe, your supposed to be looking at the dirty bottle,,, dam* kids anyway.
    Oh! My bad? I guess that makes me a dirty old man.

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