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Good luck with that. I have a friend who spent all day today trying to buy a bank owned property that didn't sell at a foreclosure auction. (She missed the auction because she got the dates confused). She talked to four different people at the bank- some of them told her that the bank didn't even own the property so she had to call the county clerk's office and found out that the bank did indeed own the property. No one at the bank knew anything helpful. I told her to call tomorrow and insist on speaking with a supervisor and if that person doesn't help her to ask to speak to that person's supervisor and so on up the food chain.
Hope you have better luck - she was dealing with a megabank maybe your's is local.
This reminds me of a situation a lady friend was in. The bank foreclosed on her house about 3 years ago. The county still sends her the property tax notice every year. The place has never been touched in all this time, I don't think the bank is even aware of having ownership.
This house is in a deed restricted subdivision, where the lawns need to be manicured, no cloths lines, etc. The association sees to it the grass is cut and just files a lean on the deed of the property. By the time the bank figures out they own the joint it will be so devalued it's not even funny.
So good luck Hunter! I do know here the banks use property management companies to over see the properties.