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  1. #1
    GreenTruckR started this thread.
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    Silver Recovery & Selling Advice / Feedback Needed Please:

    Silver Recovery & Selling Advice / Feedback Needed Please:

    Although I am relatively new to the Forum, I must say that it is the absolute Best resource for scrapping and the recycling industry as a whole. The knowledge I’ve already gained is truly amazing. Virtually every time that I have read a post / thread I learn something new and/or benefit from seeing other members point of view etc.
    That being said I would like to thank each and every forum member that has been actively participating the past couple months.

    Moving on to the Silver inquiry: Industrial silver contacts and/or silver plated obtained from General Electric and Allis Chalmers industrial relays and switches. My current knowledge of silver is next to nothing.

    Three weeks ago we were clear out a old semi trailer box that was used as a dry and secure storage unit by the former owner of the yard. Once we torched the doors off we were somewhat astonished by all the unique and interesting items that were packed into this trailer box. It was very obvious that he had used this box to store his more valuable junk etc. Keeping in mind that this salvage yard is a State Licensed Auto & Heavy-Industrial / Commercial Equipment salvage yard, so you might imagine what we found in the box. The following day we had finally made our way to the front of the box where we found a very large steel lock box about 7 ft. High, 5 foot wide by 30” deep. Both of us couldn’t wait to cut the lock off and see what was inside, of course my imagination ran wild thinking that maybe it's packed with clean copper bars or precious antiques etc. My brother walks in with the bolt cutter and the lock snaps off and we open the doors...... Both of us were so bummed out because it was packed with these heavy plastic or “Bake-Lite” electronic control switch / relay type parts. (see photo) My brother looks at them and says it's a little brass and that’s about it, if we want to take the time to strip them all down. It was a big disappointment.

    Two days ago I happened to walk by the boxes filled with these General Electric components and I grabbed a few of them so I could strip them down to see how many man hours it would take to do all of them because I was considering to offer these two local scrappers the opportunity to strip them all down and I thought that they could take 80% profit and we keep the 20%, maybe even 90 / 10 split. So anyways evening came and I went into my trailer, made a good cup of coffee and sat down with the cordless and pliers and found that it took less than1 or two minutes to completely dismantle the switch plates. I was just about to log onto the Forum when I had one of those magical moments, something clicked.... I stared at the switch relay parts, and that’s when it really clicked..... the color isn’t quite right, and then I suddenly recall reading in the forum about silver relay & switches. The next day I took several of the pieces into a local jeweler, I thought it was worth a try. I handed him the baggie of parts and asked him if he could identify the metal, he looked at them and immediately said Silver plating industrial silver. His co-worker came over and asked if they could cut two of the pieces, of course I said yes. After a few minutes he came back and stated again that it's a high grade Industrial silver plating of some kind. He really didn’t sound to confident.

    This may sound crazy, but I have been scrapping for quite some time, I've scrapped many, many things but I have never ever done any kind of silver recovery. Up until I read about it on the Forum, I didn't even realize that silver recovery was feasible for a small operation.

    I don’t want to sound dumb about it all, but where do I go from here with it? Does it need to be processed ? Or should I sell it like is ? Is it worth my time and effort to attempt recovery of the silver if in fact it is a quality silver. ? Or should I just turn it in for Brass....... Looking at what I have stripped so far, I realistically estimate that we will have approx. 26 to 31 pounds of the silver pieces.

    I would greatly appreciate some feed-back and advice

    This in itself is a real testament how “The Scrap Metal Forum” has helped me and our scrapping business, in fact it has already helped us change the ways & methods of our entire business model which of course translates into more company revenue and better eco- friendly scrapping practices.

    Currently in Northern Wisconsin e-mail:

    2-photo's of the silver relay / contacts:

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  3. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    My bet is the switches are WWII electronics, the excess of silver plating in the give away. Silver plating is not worth the effort, go for the contacts.

    The contacts could be a silver / palladium./ platinum alloy with maybe even some gold.

    Grab a free copy of Hokes Testing Precious Metals

    Now you have something to read during those long cold winter evenings. Good luck with your contacts.

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  5. #3
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    i would sell them on eBay to a PM recovery specialist. if you don't know what you are doing, PM's recovery can be dangerous to your health.
    strip them down and sell to the highest bidder. good luck

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  7. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Would it be better for him to try and auction them or flat price sell them on the gold forum, like take them to the market he's looking for.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  9. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ok the dude has a handful of contacts the problem is that both sugar and salt at first glance both look the same.

    I'll buy them as silver scrap any day of the week just don't come whining back to me when it's discovered the contacts were made of platinum or palladium.

    After reading the book I uploaded, Hokes Testing Precious Metals, go to the gold forum then search DMG for testing palladium.Then stannous chloride for testing gold and platinum.

    He can make up stannous test solution with a few drops of hydrochloric acid aka Muriatic Acid purchased from the hardware store with some lead free solder.

    Don't expect the buyer to tell you what it is your selling if you don't know what you have, it's going to be your loss and the buyers gain.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-04-2011 at 09:54 AM.

  10. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Ok the dude has a handful of contacts
    I think his load is closer to a carload than a handfull, that's why he's wanting some real good ideas, not saying mine were good.

  11. #7
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The way I read his post there was a cabinet full of the switches - 7 ft. High, 5 foot wide by 30” deep. Far cry from Box Car load.

    Remove the contacts from the switches you no longer have a cabinet full. Remember it is the precious metals in the contacts were after not the switches.

    Right now I'm working on five 20 liter pails full of switches and relays, when I'm finished harvesting the contacts, I would consider myself lucky to have enough to fill a soup tin.

    I do have the advantage of owning a hammer mill to depopulate the contacts from the bus bars. Perhaps I will make a short video of this process when I get around to it. Right now I'm running 3 copper cells parting silver which does not require a lot of supervision from me enabling me to get my hot water boiler plumbed in and working to heat the shop more economically.

    One thing I've learned in life, ignorance can be very costly. I believe the owner of this site set it up so that he and others could share in knowledge.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-04-2011 at 10:13 AM.

  12. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It was just another black box with a few terminals coming out, after opening the relay turns out to be a real Easter Egg, It has gold contacts, judging by the color the gold runs about 10K

    Welcome to my world of hidden treasures.

    Last edited by gustavus; 12-04-2011 at 12:19 PM.

  13. #9
    Ballymoss's Avatar
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    Hi Gustavus,

    I have quite a few of these contacts and i thought they were Gold. Turns out they Gold plated over Silver.

    Hope yours are solid Gold, that would be a Christmas present and a half!!

    What equipment did they come from?

    Kind regards

  14. #10
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ballymoss View Post
    Hi Gustavus,

    I have quite a few of these contacts and i thought they were Gold. Turns out they Gold plated over Silver.

    Hope yours are solid Gold, that would be a Christmas present and a half!!

    What equipment did they come from?

    Kind regards
    Not likely that they are solids, knowing that the contacts contain gold is enough to tells us that they were made for severe service, harsh environment or military spec.

    Last summer on two separate occasions there was a bath tub chuck full of relays and switches all older stuff. Not one to pass on opportunity brought them home, pretty lucky in that respect there are about 8 sites that let us pick.

    My woman has hardware disease much more severe than I, during early spring waiting for the road bans to be lifted we'll pack a lunch mad make the rounds sometimes returning home late in the evening. I'm so bushed I head in to my favorite chair and put on fresh coffee while Pat is unloading the truck and sorting her treasures from mine.

    Just posted the gold to show the possibilities. Everyone recognizes gold whereas the white metals are harder to distinguish from one another.

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