The scrapyard I go to JUST started buying AC compressors...I was telling the employees a while back to buy them at cost and
sell them elsewhere. Now they buy them though.
Besides that, Had my eye on an aluminum boat for a while (that they may sell me at cost).
It has a minor hole I could repair , but the biggest problem is it would need to be registered, and I don't know if it could possibly be stolen don't want the hassle.
Oh, other scrapyard was going to sell me an OLD Honda motorcycle I liked for $80 ...but I hesitated because it had a shaft drive. (shaft-drive is very good, but it can't be used very easily if the motor is switched to a "chopper" frame is all).
I see enough at the yard I go getting tossed in the steel , I think I could earn my keep IF they'd hire me, but I've applied already...atleast the one boss told me he "saw my app. , didn't have work, BUT when they get calls for pick-ups (they don't do)," and he "knows I'll bring the stuff there ONLY" ...
He would "call my cell phone"...Better than working there IF it works out!!!

EDIT: perhaps you could do "pick-ups" on your off days is my idea? is all.