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Boards versus fingers

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  1. #1
    ALScrapper started this thread.
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    Boards versus fingers

    I am new to escrapping and am wondering if it makes more sense (money) to scrap high grade boards or cut off the gold fingers to sell? Also, who do you recommend selling to...local recycler, ebay, out of my area recycler (if none locally)?

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Asking this question without looking around first is just a sign of greed in a way.

    We took the time to learn and post over a long period of time, sweat, and tears, why would anyone just tell you answers with your lack of consideration?

    I am a profit! No No wait I'm all about the profit!
    Last edited by injunjoe; 01-02-2012 at 03:11 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  4. #3
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    Yes take the time to do an intro and then read the old threads. Lots of free information available all it takes is interest and time to read. The extra time you take studying here will pay off big. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  6. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Ill answer the question just cause im a nice guy ALso because im sure other people want to know the answer. It also gives me a chance to plug the sticky post I made. Start here learning about computer scrapping.

    With the price difference of gold fingered boards and boards with the fingers cut off is now $.80 to $1.55. So you have to ask yourself is it worth your time to trim them. I did this about a week ago. I took 28 pounds of gold finger cards and it took about 30 mins for wife and I to snap off all the gold fingers. For that half hour work we took it from 28 pounds of cards to 27 pounds of cards and 1 pound of gold fingers. Lets take Ewasted current prices and see if it would have been worth it.

    gold finger cards 28 lbs at $4.75 = $133
    trimmed finger cards 27 lbs at $3.20 = $86.40
    1 pound gold fingers at $75.00
    total $161.40 for a difference of $28.40
    So for 1 hour total labor we made a net profit of $28.40 I tend to think anytime you can make more then $20 an hour breaking something apart your not doing bad. I personaly am cutting off all the gold fingers and hoarding them for the rainy day scenario since they dont take up much room. My stash is currently just over 2 pounds.

    Now as far as selling goes there are pros and cons to everything. You have to decide what works for you. There are a few buyers on here that buy this stuff.
    If your local yard buys it you need to find out what they pay for the different stuff. My local yard buys motherboards for $2.50 a pound. Again ewasted is paying $4.00 a pound right now. So minus about $.80 per pound ofr shipping. I use that as an average. He will pay me a net of $3.20 a pound for motherboards. So I make $.70 more a pound mailing the boards to him then I do selling them local.

    EBAY: This can be tricky and is very hit and miss. You could get $2 or you could get $10 a pound you never know. Its an auction and its a risk you hae to decide if you want to take or not. I personaly like selling to a buyer and getting a said amount for what I have. I have seen gold fingers go as high as $100 per pound but when you factor in ebay fees and paypal fees you end up getting about 85% of final value. So if you get a final bid of $100 youll get $85 after fees. But if you get a bid of $80 a pound your final value will only be $68. SO I rather take the garunteed $75 from ewasted.

    I hope this answered your questions

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  8. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Ill answer the question just cause im a nice guy
    Your just glad to be doing anything besides lugging other people's Christmas cards around in the wind, snow and mud. :]

    Good info PTS.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  10. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    You're a softie PTL. But still a nice guy. So is Mike and so is joe.....we gotta stick together here. jk But at least you could have concurred on the intro.

    btw...welcome AL

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  12. #7
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Your just glad to be doing anything besides lugging other people's Christmas cards around in the wind, snow and mud. :]

    Good info PTS.
    That too

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