thanks again for the comments, i know im catching alot of heat for doing it on the half, but if these actually weigh out at 22000 to 30000 lbs even if steel falls to 10cents a lb next week if i do one a day my half would be 1100. we bear all expenses thats just the way we do it, if i use 10 concrete blades $60, 5 gallons of gas $18,5 bottles of 2stroke oil 10 about $100 in diesel a day between two trucks and the bobcat, just for kicks our eats throw in the $22 thats $210 a day. that $890 a day

split between me and my partner thats not even counting if the rims are alum, batteries and all the goodies we all love but im sure it would go above a $1000. i like to play my numbers safe so im not dissappointed id much rather be suprised ( my motto since i started working is expect the worse hope for the best it has alway worked out) i have a job right now that i didnt think id get till spring. we usually pay for scrap but this was a big clean up job,charged him $400 to clean up took in a load today and got $283, ill get done sometime tomorrow and probably get another 2 to 300, thats good money to me and thats in 2 days. if this works out i would be more than twice the rate ill have gotten today and tomorrow. im not trying to beat you guys up, im for sure a rookie at scrapping (feel free to check my introduction) and we would love to have the knowledge all you guys have thats why im always so open to ideas. you guys that have your routes set up and get enough business for free congrats, for you new guys like me offer $5 for a washing machine its worth 12 not even taking the wires and motor out sending straight to the shredder and trust me one call leads to another and another. just my input for whatever its worth. keep the ideas coming please all of them are very much appreciated