i was wandering if all window frames the ones that surround the screens is it extrusion? how much is it worth? i took some in and on the sheet it didtnt say extrusion y?
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i was wandering if all window frames the ones that surround the screens is it extrusion? how much is it worth? i took some in and on the sheet it didtnt say extrusion y?
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No it's not extruded. It is made of folded sheet aluminum.
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
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They go by MLC by me.
Scrap Low Copper Aluminum
Low Copper Aluminum shall consist of clean, uncoated aluminum plate, may include clips or punchings
ISRI grade TABOO may be included in this grade
Scrap Aluminum Extrusions
Aluminum Extrusions shall consist of clean aluminum extrusions including window & door frames
Must be free of iron inserts, screws and plastic, rubber or other foreign materials.
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if there not extruded where can i get extruded aluminum?
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Some window frames are extruded. Some are sheet. It's just a matter of being able to tell the difference.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
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Most heat sinks are extruded....also round tubing like AL lawn furniture, crutches and walkers.
I had came across some screen windows that were sheet. Didn't realize it till I had em almost apart though. All the pieces on em and the screen itself were aluminum too so I didn't even need to do a thing to em to get clean price.
Eat. Sleep. Scrap.
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i didnt know heat sinks were extruded i got ripped off then do i have to tell the scrap guy that its extruded and not asume he will just give it to me? i mean granted i had them mixed in with some other aluminum i thought it was all the same=( am i to asume that i have to seperate it and tell them its extruded? how much is extruded go for?
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They will pay you for the lowest priced metal in the pile unless they have a "mixed metal" price or it's like "irony aluminum". Depends on the yard but you really should know what you're doing when you go there. And there's no better teacher than "experience".
You can generally tell if something is extrusion by looking at it closely. You will notice fine lines running throughout (kinda like the playdough machine you had as a kid that you forced the playdough through). I do not think heat sinks are extrusion. I am currently looking at 3 of them sitting on my desk (I use one as a business card holder). Although I could be wrong because everytime someone brings in a Gaylord box full of them I see some I have never seen before. My yard buys them as MLC...which we are currently paying $0.68 a pound for. On a side note we break our extrusion into 2 groups: 6061 and 6063. 6063 is almost always used for structural purposes.
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i see thanks now by lines you mean like the lines you see when you cut wood? or lines like what are on heat sinks?
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many yards are not familiar with heat sinks, and many who are will try to pay you cast alu price. profit is one thing any one is allowed to maximise in my book, however preditory/vulture profit is not. if you have a yard that just has to screw some one, and I know yard that do. have a searious talk with the window manager, tell him/her to screw the tweekers, if he absolutly needs to screw someone.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 02-08-2012 at 06:39 PM.
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lines and etchings are FLAWS. Most extrusions are smooth. There are so many web sites for extruded AL. If you who have questions would just do a little research you will find plenty of info with pictures that will answer all of your questions. I simply copied that info and took it to my yard.
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ah thanks everyone is helpful even the funny ones=)
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SOME window frames are extrusion, others are not. Generally the heavier the frame, the more likely it is to be an extruded alloy. Heatsinks are almost ALWAYS 6063. For extruded shapes, note that if the tee, angle, or square tube shapes have a sharp inside corner (no radius) corner they are 6063.* Heavier I-beams, channels, and angles are typically 6061.* Sheet and plate come in a wide variety of alloys and can't be readily identified visually. My yard is specifically geared for regular scrapers as they are where 90% of my product comes from. As a result, my scale operators have orders to sort customer's loads for higher value items the first few times that a new client comes in or whenever they bring in a material that they have questions about.
Here's a reference that helps some with the aluminum identification game:
Yes.. BohemianLush used the example I use everyday at my yard.. I tell them extruded aluminum is forced through a die.. the same way play-doh is forced through the toy making shapes. Extruded has designs that are a lot of the time impossible to mimic by bending aluminum..
Last edited by myekem; 02-14-2012 at 06:08 PM.
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The yard by me only has 3 grades of aluminum: Sheet, Irony, and Cast. When I went three weeks ago, the window frames went in as sheet aluminum @ $0.63/lb .
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