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  1. #41
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    LMAo so true KZ!!!!

  2. #42
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    mike you have to take whatever you can get , get hit on the little things that arent worth it but it pays . people are not going to take you seriously if you say its not worth. take the hits

  3. #43
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    Craigslist is a good option for asking people for scrap. Just put an ad in the services section and people will contact you to come get their metal item.

  4. #44
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    Whoa Wait!!! Please be careful if you are knocking on doors. Seriously if they are people you don't know. With crime on the rise in a lot of places many people are on edge. If a stranger knocked on my door in car asking for scrap I personally would say No Thank You and shut the door, lock it, get the gun, call the police, text the neighbors, and facebook your description, make model of your car... ect. No joke! just last week some fool came to my garage door with no contractor info on his truck, no business card, not even a price for the load of whatever he was trying to sell me and this is what I did. Exactly 4 days later people mile away were burglarized. Make sure you don't look creepy to families or seniors. Just sayin

  5. #45
    skippy's Avatar
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    Wow what neighborhood do you live in. I take my 9 and 11 year old girls to the door they are my hook and disarmer sets people at ease and they love scrappin with skippy(the skippy from family ties)

  6. #46
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    Pics made me LOL (towards the end).
    Seriously though: NEVER put anything on the roof!!!
    It can easily slide/fall on the windshield.

    One time I had two 24 oz. size beers, (on a break) so I asked my buddy to drive, since I was near the .08 probably. Anyway, we turned a corner, normal speed and like 15 wood 40"x48" pallets fell in the road.
    Then he says he "doesn't have a proper license" ...I was wondering if the cops passed, "would I be a good buddy and say it was me driving or...?"
    Man, if somebody hit something from the truck and one was over .08 it'd be a DUI WITH injury!!! Too.

    Quote Originally Posted by skippy View Post
    Wow what neighborhood do you live in. I take my 9 and 11 year old girls to the door they are my hook and disarmer sets people at ease and they love scrappin with skippy(the skippy from family ties)
    I take my two year old EVEN if I knock on the neighboors door who know me!
    I almost chucked a guy down the front steps because he did the "knock,knock...knock,knock,knock" thing while soliciting.
    I HATE solicitors who knock on the door. No joke.
    And since it's my property I could probably beat their *ss and get away with it.
    My wife doesn't answer IF I'm not home...makes me worried too though since a burglar might knock first to check if anyone's home...
    Place up my block just got burglarized while the people were sleeping,
    I swear IF I saw somebody in my place who don't belong, I will go straight to KILL mode. (Besides there could very possibly be more than one).
    It's a nice upscale neighborhood too.

    I'm thinking this is a joke, or troll post but incase it's not...WTF????
    Knocking on doors and don't even have a truck or can't even move a water heater for that matter???
    Atleast get a lawn-mower and ask if they need their lawn mowed until you can even scrap stuff C'MON!!!! This is rediculous. I bet ....D*MN!!! stick to dumpster diving,
    atleast somebody will feel srry for you and OFFER some scrap!

    Careful with flyers too folks.where I live they passed a law that one needs to register at the police station to pass those out even.
    Then they put notices to ask to see the persons neck badge ID thing, and call cops IF they don't have it ...(Had to quit my handyman advertising then).

    Got to go... try to look at some trucks.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapmommyof3 View Post
    Whoa Wait!!! Please be careful if you are knocking on doors. Seriously if they are people you don't know. With crime on the rise in a lot of places many people are on edge. If a stranger knocked on my door in car asking for scrap I personally would say No Thank You and shut the door, lock it, get the gun, call the police, text the neighbors, and facebook your description, make model of your car... ect. No joke! just last week some fool came to my garage door with no contractor info on his truck, no business card, not even a price for the load of whatever he was trying to sell me and this is what I did. Exactly 4 days later people mile away were burglarized. Make sure you don't look creepy to families or seniors. Just sayin

    I wouldn't even open the door in the first place because it just takes one shove and a stranger is in your house. You don't know when you answer the door if that person is the king of the sex offender registry or mr. nice guy family man.

    Of course, if someone ever did bust into my house my dogs would have a delicious meal of criminal wannabe. Lol.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 03-24-2012 at 06:05 PM.
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  9. #48
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike1 View Post
    i went to a couple houses and knocked on the door i had couple of people not anser is this normal even if there are cars in the driveway? but i had three ppl anser so far one said they would keep me in mind if they got some from there job another one said they had a scrap water heater and i said no cause i didnt know if it was worth it is it? i even wrote a list of stuff i take i kno tvs and ac's and pipes and apliances is there anything else thats worth taking apart thats not got alot of steel?
    You gotta take the good with the bad your working at building a lasting business relationship, repeat customers and those with big mouths will advertise for ya freely both the good and the bad.

    Just before winter set in I had paid for several scrap cars on the Res, the other day I go over to pick up a stuffer and the guy is busy stripping off a bunch of parts, because I'm a good guy - tell him to toss in the bad parts from the other vehicle that these parts are going onto. We have a beer and I leave him at his work stripping my car.

    Not really good business practice to turn a blind eye, but then I'm working on a lasting business relationship not only with this dude but his brothers, cousins and neighbors. Another dude has a truck and a small car for scrap but wants the transmission from the car and the engine from the 1/2 ton truck. So I told him to have everything un-bolted when I show up with the crane truck to do the lifting and I get the scrap in lieu of payment for doing the lift.

    Someone recently asked me how is it that I get so much free stuff, some of it comes from knowing how people think, while some comes from being in the right place at the right time while the rest comes from offering my services beyond that of just grabbing the cream.

    There is an old saying "the customer is always right", I never carry it that far but my best interests are for the customer without breaking the bank after all I am a businessman in this for the money.

    Only this afternoon before the mud run I had a fellow drop in to have me weld up some steel saw horses for him, as it turned out I already have two and told him that he could borrow them. So now I have a trailer to weld up for him, bigger job with more money for me and new advertising, another happy customer.

    If there is no visible scrap on the property you really have no business scoping it out.

  10. #49
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    in mississippi we have a thing called the castle doctrin, for those who do not know, that means that you can shoot someone for being on said porch,home, car, buisness or pretty much anywhere else if you feel reasonable threat.sweet deal.

  11. #50
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    I dont think knocking on a door is reasonable threat but sure got ahead and trust the system

  12. #51
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    I do not but some trigger happy people do and there are cases where that defense has worked.

  13. #52
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    If someone does get shot it's been known that suddenly a knife or a pipe appears next to the body, there is the threat.
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  15. #53
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    That is absurd for someone knocking

  16. #54
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    maybe where you come from but not when you live in the woods.mostly strangers are viewed as having no place there, or anywhere off of the paved road unless you are theving invited or severly lost.most times suspected theives get rock salt first.

  17. #55
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    Im all for the rock salt and im sure rural areas are different. I have heard the south is a different country and it sounds beautiful there always wanted to drive through it.

  18. #56
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    the area i live in is very nice, lots of coastal rivers and streams to explore go north a little and you start getting into the appalachian foot hills and it is positively beautiful, could not ask for a better place to live.but i am sure anyone can say that about where they live, all you have to do is go outdoors and look around. maybe go camping/boating/hiking or just sit outside and eat take the kids and show them what it is all about and why it is worth saving.

  19. #57
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    Yeah I live close to santa cruz, lake tahoe, yosemite, napa valley. but i grew up here and want to see new things in nature and only an idiot would destroy more nature than we already have. my girls love animals

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