I was reading an oold tread started by Reelman65, 5-19-2011. Thought I would bring this up again sence I do a lot of printers. I get both low and high grade boards, at least two or three electric motors, some have ss, #2 copper wire, steal and ink cartrides. I can't find anybody to buy my plastic. All plastic recycling companies what you to have 30,000 to 40,000 lbs. but I did find one guy by me that will take it off my hands, saves me from paying to unload it at the dump. Plus he directs me to people that have junk to get rid of so it's a win win. ink cartriges I sell on line at ECYCLEGROUP.COM. Someone said in one post that printers were to much a pain in the a#*, but like anything else it takes practice and after a while you can tare them down in a few minutes. Well thats my story and I,m sticking to it.