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Made a pick up today using CL free section. Add was for two 19in tv's. Contacted the gentleman and set up a time to get them from his home. before arriving I stopped and got a cup of coffee, not for me but for the person i was going to meet. I figured i was getting something for nothing and should't arrive empty handed. I arrived a couple of minutes early, I made sure to not pull into/block his driveway. When the gentleman open the door I introduced myself and offered him the coffee and explained why. He was thankful for the gesture and the coffee. He stated that he didn't have the remotes and I explained to him they were not needed since I was recycling them. I then explained a bit of what I am doing and how and why I got involved in this business. After loading the tv's he asked what else i would be willing to take. Gave him a quick rundown of what I look for and I said he can call me directly instead of posting an add on CL. I asked if I could drop a flyer next time I was in area. He said drop it in the mailbox and he will hold onto it now that he knows who I am. He also said he will ask around if anyone needs to get rid of anything quick and pass along my name and number. Sorry it was a bit long but figured some of the new people to scrapping might get something out of this. P.S......already got a referral for 2 computers from this gentleman within 4 hrs of meeting him.

Good for you! Kudos on going the extra mile. You may have a customer for life. I would suggest to anyone to read a book called the Thank You Economy by Gary V. Awesome read and it changed my whole approach to running my lawn care business. I now send get well cards, holiday cards, buy a bottle of wine whenever a customer of mine moves into a new home and randomly do nice things like send them starbucks gift cards. I hope to start doing the same when my
e-waste business is more fully established.