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alu looking copper heat sinks

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    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    alu looking copper heat sinks

    this hasen't been covered for a while and I just had my first experience with it so thought I would re intro it.

    I am not a great alu fan as it takes so much to get any weight. so I just throw all my heat sinks in a bucket and when the bucket is full I seperate them and remove the stainless traps.

    friday while sorting I noticed some HS from the servers seemed to be very heavy, like a lb apiece, so I inspected them very closely, couldnt see any thing but alu. so I hit a couple of them with the grinder. bam beautiful shiney copper.

    the top sections were alu. but the bottoms were well camoflaged copper. I had 8 of them. I hit them with the torch and found they were soldered together.

    30 secounds with the torch and they seperate. the 8 hs yealded 6.7 lbs of #2 copper. I hit them with the grinder and removed the solder and alu coating and ended up with 6.7 lbs of beautiful #1 brite and shiney. each is about 4 in by 3 in and 1/4 in thick. turned $3 into $20 in about 30 min total.

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