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Any tips for me

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    regidroz started this thread.
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    Any tips for me

    I have started to do scrapping pretty much full time, outside of substitute teaching when they call.

    Some days are amazing loads! Others are a bit slow, but there is always things to take apart and money to be made!

    What I was curious about is how you make lasting connections?

    Currently I have 3 businesses I can guarantee pick up from at least once a month, sometimes every other week. I go around when people put out trash, and I get people to respond to my wanted ads.

    I want more! I have been going around to local computer repair stores, making connections, and constantly posting want ads for materials.

    honestly so far it is going great but I feel like there is more I can do.

    I prefer to keep things constantly stocked up so I have a never ending supply of items to take apart and turn in.

    Any tips or advice? What works best for you?

  2. #2
    thortek's Avatar
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    Business cards, networking, flyers, networking, cold calls, networking, email blasts, networking, referrals, networking, Reach out to the newspaper to do a story about recycling, networking,

    Oh did I mention Networking?
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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  4. #3
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    To add to what Thortek said, networking.

    Oh, wait...

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  6. #4
    regidroz started this thread.
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    Thanks I have been working on networking, handing out business cards, and putting up flyers where allowed.

  7. #5
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    Just my $0.02. Consider offering up a bit of cash on the higher value stuff like electronics. Lots of time once they get a little money they always remember you the next time, and some will actually go out looking for it. I have a couple guys now that go out on garbage nights and they each get me a load on electronics a week.

    Along those same lines, this one I discovered by accident. Go to your scrap yards to turn in copper and what ever. Have a bunch of old computers and electronics in they back of the truck. I'll guarantee some other scrapper will see it and walk over and ask what you do with it. Now they are the ones making a cold call on you. Tell them you process it, and you would be willing to buy their better electronics from them. Chances are they are just dumping it for shred, so anything over that price they will jump at.

    Beyond that, like the others said.

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  9. #6
    regidroz started this thread.
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    devo I have a price list put together on what i offer for everything some as items, some per pound

  10. #7
    LarryB is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by regidroz View Post
    devo I have a price list put together on what i offer for everything some as items, some per pound
    So, can we see this list?

  11. #8
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I have 17 Businesses and whats works best for me is researching the business before i ever start the business. I am sure I will be banned for giving you the truth. and one way to research the business is to read the threads in this Forum.
    Hey, NOW you have my curiosity up! What are the other 16 things you do?
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  12. #9
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Be nice to people when you go through thier curbside stuff. say hi, chat if they seem talkative, give them a card if they want one. they might save thier stuff for you instead of putting it out next time.

    For business pickups.
    Be friendly
    Hang out with the decision makers if they want to bs
    DO NOT get in the way on a busy day, you will cost them money and they will move on.
    offer money for some things depending on value and volume
    If you are making good money somewhere, buy lunch or something every now and then. I tried to get a computer shop a while ago. I offered to pay, but he said he likes the guy he is giving it to for free, because he has been going out to dinner with him once a month for years.

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  14. #10
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    And don't show up to a bussiness in your work clothes. at the very least, nice jeans and a polo shirt

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  16. #11
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regidroz View Post
    devo I have a price list put together on what i offer for everything some as items, some per pound
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryB View Post
    So, can we see this list?
    I also have a price list, but it won't do you any good. Why? Because what I get for my scrap will vary from what you get. My yard might not pay as much as yours, for instance. Also, the margins I settle for may differ from what you want to get. The target I'm marketing for might also differ and that also affects my price list as well.

  17. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    My strategy differs a little from others......Buy as much as you can and process it later........I have not gone out curb shopping in a long time.......If you can find a good auction or steady supplier you will be in there....Good thing about auction is they don't care how professional you dress just how big your wallet is

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  19. #13
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I have 17 Businesses and whats works best for me is researching the business before i ever start the business. I am sure I will be banned for giving you the truth. and one way to research the business is to read the threads in this Forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Hey, NOW you have my curiosity up! What are the other 16 things you do?
    Always good when an old post from Kris Kringle comes up, unfortunately I don't think he has his ears on.
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  21. #14
    corycouch's Avatar
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    nope i sent him a message on fb the other day and still no response, a few of them been popping up here lately and i do a double take everytime and have to check the date

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  23. #15
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    If you do a basic google map search for nearby computer stores, you can find 100 stores within 25 miles or more in most places in America. Pick up the phone and call them. Find out what they do with their scrap. Many give it away for free. Many have no idea how to get rid of laptop batteries for example. I have yet to find one that gets paid for them. I stopped in one Friday and they handed me 50 pounds that they usually give away for free. We pay $2 a pound delivered for them. Figure 50 cents or less for shipping. You can easily get them paying 50 cents, which would net you $1 a pound or so. That might also open the door to getting some other items.

    You can probably even get them from smaller recycling companies in the area. I have one chain of 6 computer stores which sell me 1500 pounds of laptop batteries every other month.

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