Took apart some old dot matrix printers. In the printer head is these boards with gold in them. Just something to look out for.
Took apart some old dot matrix printers. In the printer head is these boards with gold in them. Just something to look out for.
one in each printer ? how much plastic was involved ?
were the printers you did all the same brand ? those all look identical
Last edited by Bear; 10-11-2012 at 06:33 PM.
Dot matrix are pretty much old school by now but I miss them buggers they got the job done
Ha! Try looking up dot matrix on Ebay. I have a guy trying to give me some of them but I'd have to drive 25 miles there to get them. Might go ahead and do it if I can get ahold of him tomorrow.
those corner spots w/ the holes in the are gold or copper? i see spots like that all the time on different types of boards. if they are gold are they always gold or does it vary? thanks
the corners are gold if they are a gold color, if they are a darker color its copper, its pretty easy to see the difference when you put 2 side by side
what did you wind up doing with those boards ?
is this all gold?
Last edited by msmoorad; 07-21-2014 at 04:56 AM.
I got some 'Star' brand dot matrix printers once, they have been my only sorce of whitee ceramic chips so far.
NZ was a bit behind the USA... No rocket ships etc etc.
I broke a plastic chip and under the plastic the legs were gold plated. But the visible part of the leg wasn't. Weird.
Old school electronics rule as gold was $30 a ounce in 1968......
And every key on the keyboard was a gold plated, platinum plated tip reed switch.....
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