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Customer relations- how would you handle this? - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by HLH&R Metals Recycling View Post
    Hello all-

    We had an incident yesterday with a new customer that I am looking for advice on. This individual pulled onto our truck scale, but not far enough to get his back wheels off of the cement. Our scale operator motioned for him to pull forward, which he took as the signal to go unload. Our scale operator was not able to get in touch with any of my guys in the ferrous yard fast enough to stop him from throwing the water heater he had brought in out of the bed of his truck, and he was promptly back on the scale. When our scale operator went out to explain what had happened and offered to have our employees bring the water heater up to be weighed while she did the state mandated paperwork on his vehicle, he declared that our facility was a "circus" and stated that he would be telling everyone he new that we were a bunch of cheats.

    While I'm not concerned about losing his business (not sure I want that type of customer anyway), I am concerned about the image that he will paint of our facility in the local scrapper community. I have video of his vehicle on our scale (I haven't had a chance to look at it yet) and there may be a company logo/phone number on the door of his truck. We really take great pains to be a friendly, professional yard and I hate for anyone to leave with a bad taste in their mouth.

    Should I try and contact this guy, or just write it off as not being able to please everyone, every time?
    I deal with "individuals" like this daily. Just write it off and leave it be.

  2. #22
    dubmdub's Avatar
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    Go AHEAD!!!!

    the yards ive been to usually scream GO AHEAD!!! Like you know the deal get on with it. Being a new scrapper i'd like a digital read out of how much my truck weighs i have felt like the scale person shaved off 100 lbs a couple times. Im used to sitting on the scale 3-5 mins before hearing yelling GO AHEAD! When i went out of town to a yard the guy is sitting in front of a window and slightly nods his head,i thought he was just saying wassup, then i just keep looking at them and he's looking at something else then looks up at me and gives me a thumbs up. Im like what the heck does that mean go? Where do i go? I keep looking at him and he waves me on and i point like where over there? By those huge scary cranes with giant magnets swaying (signs are saying we are not responsible for damage to your vehicle.)
    One guy at my home yard waved me pointed me to back in by the dump area and this maniac is driving the bobcat like really funky making those sharp turns like they do. And while im unloading my tower these guys out of sight in a uhaul truck i can't see throw out a water heater and it comes rolling over to my side and almost fell on my leg then on top of that the guy in the bob cat is talking **** saying he'll run over my truck (nice clean truck with rims) next time. ******* is real helpfull to unload my truck of my aluminum into the steel but when i have heavy stuff he just looks stupid. and on top of that runs his mouth sayings he'll purposly hit my truck. He better watch where he's going on that bobcat i was on my side where his partner pointed me to go.

  3. #23
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    Lots of angry people in the world.

    Chances are this person will not have many friends / people to tell.

    This incident will not ruin your business.

  4. #24
    matador's Avatar
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    I'd ignore them.

    If for some reason they come back, I'd keep a copy of his license plate number on the wall.

    Our yard also has a way around this- there's a crossing beam at both ends of the scale.

    As for this guy, though, I wouldn't worry about him at all.

  5. #25
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    Customer relations- how would you handle this?

    for the lights a simple set of bulbs and a couple light switches fix the light issue. just wire in 2 light sockets on a seperate switch. it is easy to do and can be mounted to a simple post.

    my normal yards all have a speed limit sign of 3mph because of the radiation detectors. if you go through too fast or dont wait for the light you reweight. you are also directed in person to a suitable unloading spot. (nice if you have a nicer vehicle and want to hand unload to avoid damage. normally if available with customer load they also provide a helper who also monitors content protecting yard.) if you dont follow the simple rules you are refused service.

    anything less than $10 in my yards is a donation as they dont cut checks for any less.

    as for reputation you made a good faith effort... you cant do more than that. idiots like that are why many in our are seen as distasteful. i agree he probably would not bring you enough to be worth hassle. you did your part and were more than fair.
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  6. #26
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    Hard fast rule. A satisfied customer MAY tell some one if asked. A dis satisfied customer will tell ten people even if not asked.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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