wow those are lots of low grade boards scrapperben. I like that idea to save them and do your research to pull or not to pull. Is all about getting that extra money that is why we in this scrap forum to learn.
wow those are lots of low grade boards scrapperben. I like that idea to save them and do your research to pull or not to pull. Is all about getting that extra money that is why we in this scrap forum to learn.
at .14/lb yank them off, the ones on a spool are super easy to unwind anything else might be best thrown in a transformer bucket. Some places pay .29-.32 for them which would double your money vs them being left on the low grade.
yep I get .15 a pound so that is why I pull everything that I can from the low grade boards.
very thanks,
We don't like low grade that has been cleaned and broken. IMHO pulling transformers for pennies from a board that will bring dimes whole is not the best use of your time. Use your time to get more scrap; the larger volume that you do and higher quality product could help you negotiate a better price.
been spending some time scrapping the boards, have gotten pretty good at it and have learnt what to break off and what to leave on.
some aluminium heat sinks and plates are easy to remove with a bend and twist, others are like welded on so hard that you end up spending time cleaning up the alloy of bits so if they give me a hard time I just leave them.
my favorite bits are them spool things yeah, they twist off nice and clean aswell as the little transformer blocky things.
the big block with the copper strip can be a pain so i'm 50/50 with them.
I leave the flybacks and they end up mostly intact and still looking like boards.
My guy picks them up so I figured if he wants them and pays 30c kg then great, if not then i'll throw them in scrap steel for 20c kg
not much of a loss, but if that ends up being the case then I will remove the flybacks and everything, turn them into board crumbles.
Wait...hold on...explain your logic. It may be too early in the morning...but let me get this straight...
Boards by me sell for .15 a pound. The flybacks alone, last time I got .20 a pound. So, how would leaving them on the board make me more money? Say the board equals 5 lbs in tact. (yes i'm exaggerating.) Now, I take off all the motors, alum, etc, and throw it in a pile on the scale...still equals 5lbs...but the transformers are .20 a lb, alum price varies if it's a sheet heatsink or extrusion, but i know their both more than .15 a, when I'm down to no large items to break down, and theres my little pile of boards...PLUS it keeps me occupied while I watch TV...bring a bucket of heatsinks in the house and clean all the junk off them while I watch a little boob tube?
It seems you are a board buyer...yes? Is that why you dislike stripped/broken boards...because in the end you're not making alot of profit off them?
And I am not a big time scrapper. Maybe for the big timers negotiating prices may be plausable, but i'm simply a little peon making a little extra change.
I am on dialup and hoped to learn something new from this video, Like how to separate the copper traces off a completely stripped fiber boards without burning a pile.
Flybacks are as big of a pain as magnetos off of small engines. IMO If you can get more than shread for them without! breaking them down. GO for it.
I get .08/lb at my yard. The flyback transformer and the board itself are both classified as "low grade copper bearing" at the yard I go to. So don't take the flyback off. It's just as well, I hate pulling them off since they are a major PITA to take off the boards. I do pull off all the copper, aluminum, ICs, and some of the steel. The steel that I take off goes with my loose lite iron. It actually pays a little more than the boards, believe it or not.
So it depends on how each individual's yard classifies and pays for each category.
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Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
Whoops... Sorry folks, that should have read I don't take the flybacks off. I guess I failed to proof read before I posted.
Thanks for the advice Mechanic and KZ. If I find a yard around here that takes the flybacks at a better price than low grade copper bearing, I'll give those ideas a try. But until then they stay on the board. My yard won't let me mix them in with the motors, so there's no use for me putting in the extra work.
any pictures of one? I have big black heavy thing on all my tv boards. No idea it had copper in it? who buys them?
I did something even crazier for these type of items I had a friend of mine good at welding make me a stand to weld the jack hammer to that I bought on clist for $25 use a 1 1/4in thick steel plate with a round stock welded to it so that the point bit was welded in it so its a flat surface then what I call the sand box which is just heavy stock walls on a bigger steel plate and a hard to explain this will have to post pics when I can but its a flip cover that its on hinges that has a slit in it so that I can pull the box up to it and flit it down over the rig and plate not just for safety but so that things just do fly out everywere and I just load it up turn it on and smash smash smash its crazy loud and fun but needs welded about every few weeks to keep it strong with so much crushing and vibrations
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