yeah that's an interesting way to look at it.
it's gonna take me most the day to think about it but off the top of my head, i'm a giver.
I'm not sure the information of scrapping is a secret in any way, people been scrapping things for eternity.
on a radio station I listen to there's
scrap metal businesses advertising all day, saying things like, most have have $200 worth of metal in their shed, the old fridge, the mower ect ect, they really get the message across.
and the guy walking around collecting cans is no secret to anyone that he makes some money doing it, the guys that tear cables from live power boxes certainly know there's money in copper.
what information do you know about scrapping that most people that have been in this forum for a few months don't? if a person's interested then they'll find all the info they need, if the're not interested in scrapping then I doubt they would bother looking at you tube video's on the subject, much more interesting things for those types, like the sneezing panda.
scrapping generally isn't a business, you can make it a business but generally it's an opportunistic way of making money,
like going fishing or hunting, there's money in meat if you wanna go out shoot some bears or catch some fish, heck, there's guys out there bottling tap water and making money, some even made a business out of it, like evian, talk about money for jam, speaking of jam, have a fruit tree? well can you make jam and sell that too, a person is only limited to their imagination and resources but to me if I inspire a non scrapper into a full on scrapper king, well great, there's other incentives, like the environment, instead of going to landfill things get diverted, re-used, re-cycled, refined ect, every little bit helps.
From what I can see there's already huge competition in the U.S.
i'm not talking about scrap metal as that's always been, but
seems like there's already a lot of people buying e-waste components and the advertising
creates more interest too, both for new e-waste scrappers and new e-waste buyers.
many serious scrappers are biding time, building their network to do just as their gold recovery buyers
are doing today, just watch how many ad's you'll see in a couple years for buyers of e-waste, it's all coming,
members here, right now lurking the pages, keeping up to date the prices buyers are paying, the handy posts of customers giving out the info of exactly what they sent, how much money they got ect ect, it's all precious information for those guys, so regardless of what secrets we have, if your keen you can find that info.
for me, I guess it's a little different in australia, we don't have 315 million people, just 22 million. in the U.S. there's 33 people per square kilometre of space, we have 3 people per square kilometre, so walking down the street in america I would pass 32 people before I walked past just 1 here, and with just half the time the person is a female, it's no wonder why we're so fond of sheep in this country, especially one's wearing gum boots
e-waste scrappers here are too few, metal is king and cords are queen and that's about it.
but just like everything, people will catch on quick and take it to the next level like they are in the states,
except i'm doing it now and maybe in a few years time, all the new scrappers will be selling to me.
so it's a bit like the illuminati, teach the base level to be productive and it all filters up.