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Making Movies

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  1. #1
    scrapperben started this thread.
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    Making Movies

    I was wondering if there's any tips or tricks I would need to know if I was to do some scrapping videos of my own?
    having seen a lot on you tube I thought maybe I could do some that were related more to my locality.
    what are the pitfalls if any?
    is there a possibility of making money from you tube?

  2. #2
    jghilino's Avatar
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    i dont know much about filming, but i can tell you some of the bigger names on youtube, guys that have there own youtube channels and sites to move there merchandise make money doing it. vadrum is a good example as he sells cds, tshirts and videos of his music. Id imagine you could do the same thing making scrapping videos, maybe put a few up on youtube then make a scrapping dvd or series of dvd's and sell it on ebay and out of a website.Thats my 2 cents whether you want it or not =)
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  3. #3
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    then make a scrapping dvd or series of dvd's and sell it on ebay and out of a website.
    Already done, look at Mike The Scrapper. He also endorses Rockaway Recycling, scrap metal forum, and Top Dollar Mobile.
    Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!

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  4. #4
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Im sure its already been done, but you could make a series of dvds on escrap alone. I think there's still opportunities out there.

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  6. #5
    greytruck's Avatar
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    If makeing a movie. make sure you have a video editor program on your computer to clean it up. edit out the parts of scenes that take to long, Mistakes and add the do overs. Not all videos are created equal.

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  8. #6
    scrapperben started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    Thats my 2 cents whether you want it or not =)
    yeah I'll take it, where do I leave the change?
    just kidding

    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
    Already done, look at Mike The Scrapper. He also endorses Rockaway Recycling, scrap metal forum, and Top Dollar Mobile.
    Don't forget http://tnttooling

    yes, Mike, Mike, Mike, Jack, Jack, Jack, two good looking roosters from two different countries, both on the other side of the planet from me, if I was in the states i'd just shut up, watch, listen & learn, but everything's upside down here, we drive on the other side of the road, we talk in kilo's not pounds, pounds make everything seem a lot more then there is, like 100 kg's, nice round figure, easy, well that's 220 pounds, sounds like a lot and because it's 2.2 lb to 1 kilo it makes little things hard to work out like the quarter pounder at maccas, sounds like a big piece of meat, 1/4 pounder!
    but it's 113 grams, woopee do, 113 grams is a nibble.
    and there's other things that i'd like to do that whilst it may of already been done, i'd like my own version.

    I got a video and a soft light, thinking that might help me look a bit less scary, was thinking about doing them wearing a face mask and doing like a thrash metal theme or something but think i'll just start with introducing my hands, scrap a tv, maybe a printer until I get confidence, aventually i'd like to make scrapping movies naked, so I can teach people how to scrap things safely even with your dangly bits swinging, who needs gloves!

    But yeah, aside from the business of scrapping which i'll cover on a small scale, i'd like to look at scrapping from a hobby angle more so, so it won't be about how quickly I can rip into things, my productivity or even my upcoming business venture, it would be more like de-manufacturing things opposite to how they put things together as a subject itself, and going out when hard rubbish season is happening, rather then video's for scrappers I think they might be more for those that just wanna ride the waves with me in the van and general interest viewers looking for local content.

    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    If making a movie. make sure you have a video editor program on your computer to clean it up. edit out the parts of scenes that take to long, Mistakes and add the do overs. Not all videos are created equal.
    This is where I might have a problem as i'm not normally good with editing software, or any major software.
    think it'll be a while until I release my first, I'm hoping I can upload videos without it being visible to public first?

    yeah the parts that take so long are something I thought about, planning ahead rather then going head first into things would save time editing, I find it boring watching guys undo screws for ever just to get to the next series of screws.
    they could take off most, place things back on and just remove as the video's rolling, I dunno, I guess it's easy saying that from an armchair, i'll have to try do a test run just to see if I can actually do it.

  9. #7
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    there should be a video on editing videos out there somewhere ; )

  10. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Please do make'm, and take your time doing so. Yes, there is mike and jack..but they are not everyone's cup of tea. No offenese to ya fellas, good stuff ya put out, but not for everyone. I'd like to see a Aussie done one..if for no other reason then to see another take on it, and whatnot.

    Take your time on the video/movie and you'll see decent results. You won't please everyone even if its a perfectly shot, edited, etc. Someone won't like it. heh.

    Either way good luck to ya, I've not got the patience or enough beer to make a video/movie...well I do but it wouldn't be any good.. haha.

    Sirscrapalot - Back to teaching my helper how to break things down.

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  12. #9
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    Remember the more you educate people, the more obsolete you make yourself. 90% of people follow the crowd. Once something gains popularity, people want to become that.

    I could name a million examples bit you get the point. Self extermination seems to be a lot of peoples m.o.

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  14. #10
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Remember the more you educate people, the more obsolete you make yourself. 90% of people follow the crowd. Once something gains popularity, people want to become that.

    I could name a million examples bit you get the point. Self extermination seems to be a lot of peoples m.o.
    I disagree, everyone i have helped educate has become a friend or business partner. I actually find it easier and more opportunities available the more I talk with people. I tell people enough to get them excited about scrapping, without out giving out too much info or trade secrets.

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  16. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    I disagree, everyone i have helped educate has become a friend or business partner. I actually find it easier and more opportunities available the more I talk with people. I tell people enough to get them excited about scrapping, without out giving out too much info or trade secrets.
    I agree with Russell more that what you said (although I agree with you also). Whenever I talk about scrapping with people and I ask if they have any unwanted appliances, computers, etc. I don't tell them I scrap them for money, I tell them I recycle them. When you mention "money" they think that there is $50 worth of metal in their old washer, and they don't let me "recycle" it for them. If/when they haul it down to the yard themselves, and they get 5-10 bucks instead of the number they thought of, they wonder how I make money with it. I don't like explaining whats in scrap, because that's scrapping secrets (?) that's knowledge I worked hard to gain. I don't like giving up information to people who I know will be a threat to my business.

    Going to self extermination. Lets say that I have 10 friends who ask me about scrapping. If I tell them that you can scrap out a washer and gut the motor and make X amount of money, they may want to get into the scrapping business. If they start scrapping, thats 10x less scrap available to you. I don't see why any business owner would give away all their knowledge to everyone. In my case, I don't get "business partners" out of telling people how to scrap things, I get competition. Just my .02

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  18. #12
    scrapperben started this thread.
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    yeah that's an interesting way to look at it.
    it's gonna take me most the day to think about it but off the top of my head, i'm a giver.

    I'm not sure the information of scrapping is a secret in any way, people been scrapping things for eternity.
    on a radio station I listen to there's scrap metal businesses advertising all day, saying things like, most have have $200 worth of metal in their shed, the old fridge, the mower ect ect, they really get the message across.
    and the guy walking around collecting cans is no secret to anyone that he makes some money doing it, the guys that tear cables from live power boxes certainly know there's money in copper.

    what information do you know about scrapping that most people that have been in this forum for a few months don't? if a person's interested then they'll find all the info they need, if the're not interested in scrapping then I doubt they would bother looking at you tube video's on the subject, much more interesting things for those types, like the sneezing panda.

    scrapping generally isn't a business, you can make it a business but generally it's an opportunistic way of making money,
    like going fishing or hunting, there's money in meat if you wanna go out shoot some bears or catch some fish, heck, there's guys out there bottling tap water and making money, some even made a business out of it, like evian, talk about money for jam, speaking of jam, have a fruit tree? well can you make jam and sell that too, a person is only limited to their imagination and resources but to me if I inspire a non scrapper into a full on scrapper king, well great, there's other incentives, like the environment, instead of going to landfill things get diverted, re-used, re-cycled, refined ect, every little bit helps.

    From what I can see there's already huge competition in the U.S.
    i'm not talking about scrap metal as that's always been, but e-waste.
    seems like there's already a lot of people buying e-waste components and the advertising
    creates more interest too, both for new e-waste scrappers and new e-waste buyers.
    many serious scrappers are biding time, building their network to do just as their gold recovery buyers
    are doing today, just watch how many ad's you'll see in a couple years for buyers of e-waste, it's all coming,
    members here, right now lurking the pages, keeping up to date the prices buyers are paying, the handy posts of customers giving out the info of exactly what they sent, how much money they got ect ect, it's all precious information for those guys, so regardless of what secrets we have, if your keen you can find that info.

    for me, I guess it's a little different in australia, we don't have 315 million people, just 22 million. in the U.S. there's 33 people per square kilometre of space, we have 3 people per square kilometre, so walking down the street in america I would pass 32 people before I walked past just 1 here, and with just half the time the person is a female, it's no wonder why we're so fond of sheep in this country, especially one's wearing gum boots

    e-waste scrappers here are too few, metal is king and cords are queen and that's about it.
    but just like everything, people will catch on quick and take it to the next level like they are in the states,
    except i'm doing it now and maybe in a few years time, all the new scrappers will be selling to me.
    so it's a bit like the illuminati, teach the base level to be productive and it all filters up.
    Last edited by scrapperben; 12-08-2012 at 07:37 PM.

  19. #13
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    "is there a possibility of making money from you tube? "

    I have a couple of youtube sites and was invited to monetize my videos last year. You cannot have any copyrighted material in your video like soundtracks or they will flag it. You sign up for youtube partner program and google adsense and they send a check only when you get to $100.
    Video: How to Make Money From YouTube |

  20. #14
    scrapperben started this thread.
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    if I used a soundtrack that was just made up, how do they know it's not copyrighted anyway?

  21. #15
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    you should have a refiner there somewhere ben, might be time to look em up

  22. #16
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperben View Post
    if I used a soundtrack that was just made up, how do they know it's not copyrighted anyway?
    If you made the soundtrack your fine. They do pattern matching and automatically flags it. For video editing software if you have a windows machine you can use moviemaker or imovie if you have a mac. You can upload a video and mark it private and then send us a link for crtique. A video I shot with crappy camera and moviemaker a house a lady passed up $1 million for and they based the Disney movie Up from.

  23. #17
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    Don't forget billy (From Au)

  24. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperben View Post
    I was wondering if there's any tips or tricks I would need to know if I was to do some scrapping videos of my own?
    having seen a lot on you tube I thought maybe I could do some that were related more to my locality.
    what are the pitfalls if any?
    is there a possibility of making money from you tube?
    -Jack The Scrapper Here-
    make some videos send me the links and ill watch them.....
    free editing soft ware is available and should be all you need to get started.... ex: windows movie maker... i use pinnacle studio for my videos
    pit falls music..... not really just get some free rights music from.... Royalty Free Music .... don't forget to donate him some cash for the tracks
    you tube money is good if you are willing to work for it.... for the amount of time i spend filming editing uploading promoting ..... its currently less then minimum wage..... lol
    but if your patient and have good content people will watch and tell their friends......
    i have been a youtube partner for a wile now but they changed it so any one can profit from it.......
    ummm ..... i am a little reserved in sharing payment info from youtubes adsence.... but last months "jack the scrapper" check was in the $300 - $400 range
    saying that its taken over a year.... 150 videos..... over $1000 in camera equipment and lighting ..... i make my show not to make money but the money helps cover costs....
    its like a hobby that pays for it self.... if you make the goal money you may be let down.... make the videos cause you want to.....
    good luck ok bye

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  26. #19
    tedanderson's Avatar
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    One thing that we take for granted is our industrious and resourceful abilities.

    When it comes to making a video or even telling your friends what you do, you have to realize that nobody else will be able to gain anything from your "secrets" that you might share or let out of the bag. They can't steal business from you because there are too many steps in the process for someone to steal your idea and bankrupt you overnight.

    For instance, with scrapping a washing machine- Most people don't have:

    1. the resources to find the unwanted machine
    2. a truck haul it back home
    3. the strength to carry it
    4. the tolerance to get dirty
    5. the ability to deal with the "nasty" factor
    6. space at home to dismantle and store it
    7. the tools or knowledge on how to dismantle it
    8. the insight on which parts are valuable
    9. knowledge on where to take the stuff and get a fair price
    10. a pipeline to dispose of the byproducts
    11. the patience to learn what to do and how to do it
    12. the wherewithal to buy something for pennies on the dollar and flip it.

    And if your buddy thinks that he's got all of this stuff figured out, he'll be done with scrapping after he spends an entire weekend and a half-tank of gas to make $5.

    So if you make youtube videos, you can make them exciting and informative by telling folks exactly what you do and exactly how you do it. But they'll never know all of what's involved in those 12 items above. 95% of the people who try this (based upon your videos) will quit before they make their first dollar.

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