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Just jack and the kids

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  1. #1
    jackshmuc started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Cool Just jack and the kids

    who ever said that a scrap yard is no place for kids?

    at least this way my kids will grow up knowing the value of scrap!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Great kids Jack. Do they help you break appliances down yet? Friend of mine has been scrapping for awhile and his 2 boys are constantly adding metal to his buckets.
    You'll have 3 little helpers soon if not already.

  3. #3
    sledge's Avatar
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    I take my son, and have done so for years. After a local yard run- we normally hit the bank. One day, I wanted to take my haul in, and was hoping to have enough to buy 4 recessed can lights for my office re-model- I cashed in and had enough.. He all but crapped when I didn't go to the bank. I told him "Most of the time I do bank the money, but today, I am utilizing my recycling to be able to purchase something I need" Either way the lesson should sink in. Either $ in the bank- or being able to buy something you want/need, all for doing good for the environment!

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