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How e-scrap is processed - Page 3

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  1. #41
    parrothead's Avatar
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    To add a little to this great conversation, Last year my wife's and my laptops both had critical failures. Mine was an HP and hers was an Acer (both were around 3 years old). I found a guy that can troubleshoot laptops down to the component. He will tear them apart and troubleshoot. He does not do all of it, but outsources to a motherboard guy. Wifeys was a fault due to cigartte smoke burning up 2 very tiny chips that were cost inneffective to replace (I am more careful of my smoke around my computer). I never had him tear apart my HP, by in my conversation with him, there had been a good bit of motherboards in HPs coming from Japan that had cold solder joints. He had a guy that bought a resolder tank? whatever you would call it. I am assuming a wave solder tank of some sort, but the big thing was that he had a LOT of boards that came from Japan form that time period that needed a "solder bath". Just sharing.

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  3. #42
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Back when I used to do CB radio repair, my store was in a truckstop so 80-90% of my customers were truck drivers. The over the road radios would be guaranteed to have bad solder joints once or twice in their lifetime. The trucks would literally shake the radio to pieces. It makes sense to me that the more you carry your laptop around/ throw it in the car seat/ bounce it off the couch/ etc. the better chance is your going to have a bad solder joint in the board.
    Sometimes it is just a matter of too much heat expanding the board and creating a cold solder joint, you let it cool down and it take off working again. This is just from experience in other electronics.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #43
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I pulled apart a flatscreen a while ago & noticed that theres 4 big capactors sitting side by side, out in mid air, on over one inch long leads. I guess they don't want them to damage anything else.

    Shorter term escrap market projections? I wonder whats going to happen when I escrap all of my 3Crts, 3 computers, 5 cellphones, laptops, audio gear, cameras & such.
    And replace it with one item, thats smaller than a pkt of ciggerettes, that can do the lot.....

  5. #44
    NobleMetalWorks started this thread.
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    I am right in the middle of getting my permits not only to process material, but to also plate silver and copper. It's a nightmare, but for those who can obtain the right equipment, and get it permitted, being able to operate in a market that is extremely difficult to do so can be profitable. Literally, where I am located is very close to Silicon Valley, just the amount of i-waste (industrial waste), QA rejects, over runs, obsolete material would make it worth my while.

    At least I hope so because it's been a nightmare getting permitted. The EPA requires all permits submissions to be done by an engineer in that particular field, it's a complicated mess of forms to fill out, and I get the sneaky suspicion that the keyboard tapping pencil pushers are more interested in how many forms they process in a day, rather that what they actually contain.

    Anyway, I agree, good conversation.

    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

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