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  1. #1
    ginofrater started this thread.
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    Easy Way to Remove Copper Windings From a Microwave

    I hope it helps.

    Credits to Youtube Vicsonvee's channel
    Last edited by ginofrater; 08-01-2013 at 04:39 PM.

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  3. #2
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    Thanks for the superb video.

    As far as the magatron part, I grind the outter edge of both end of the thicker part so the caps will come off and on the inside is more copper.. have you tried that.?
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  4. #3
    ginofrater started this thread.
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    I would not recommend hinting the magnetron .

    I would not process it at all.

    Health hazards

    Caution: radiowaves hazard

    Caution: Poisonous particles for the lungs
    Among more speculative hazards, at least one in particular is well known and documented. As the lens of the eye has no cooling blood flow, it is particularly prone to overheating when exposed to microwave radiation. This heating can in turn lead to a higher incidence of cataracts in later life.[20] A microwave oven with a warped door or poor microwave sealing can be hazardous.
    There is also a considerable electrical hazard around magnetrons, as they require a high voltage power supply.
    Some magnetrons have beryllium oxide (beryllia) ceramic insulators, which are dangerous if crushed and inhaled, or otherwise ingested. Single or chronic exposure can lead to berylliosis, an incurable lung condition. In addition, beryllia is listed as a confirmed human carcinogen by the IARC; therefore, broken ceramic insulators or magnetrons should not be directly handled.
    Grindell Matthews described losing the sight in one eye while testing his "Death Ray" in the 1920s which lends credence to the theory that it was based on a primitive magnetron albeit based on trial and error rather than the scientific method.

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  6. #4
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    Good video much easier and safer then using an ax to it as I have seen in some videos.

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  8. #5
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAscrapper View Post
    Good video much easier and safer then using an ax to it as I have seen in some videos.
    It would've been if the guy had used eye protection...

    I like his method, I think it beats the hatchet-head method when it comes to removing the coils from the 'E' of steel.

    I cringed at the 10:05-10:10 part when he was beating on the BeO ceramic. NOT GOOD!!
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  10. #6
    ginofrater started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    It would've been if the guy had used eye protection...

    I like his method, I think it beats the hatchet-head method when it comes to removing the coils from the 'E' of steel.

    I cringed at the 10:05-10:10 part when he was beating on the BeO ceramic. NOT GOOD!!
    The same here , but this is the best video in this kind so far.

  11. #7
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    This is what I do.. just give an insight.. I take a deep well socket... that is taller then the magnetron... and I would use the sparkplug version.. and slip it over the magnetron.. and place the item into the vice like You did.. and hit the socket several times and it come off nicely.. and if you're really careful.. as the magnetron does have copper in the center.. I use a grinder wheel.. and lightly grind the edge where the copper the center piece meet the edge of the solder metal plate and then.. lightly small screwdriver,, tap it.. until it comes off.. go in a circular motion.. and then bag the magnetron in store in a coffee can with lid.

    while Grinding.. Please wear goggles.. and also wear a mask or a aspiratior breathing mask..

  12. #8
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginofrater View Post
    I would not recommend hinting the magnetron .

    I would not process it at all.

    Health hazards

    Caution: radiowaves hazard

    Caution: Poisonous particles for the lungs
    Among more speculative hazards, at least one in particular is well known and documented. As the lens of the eye has no cooling blood flow, it is particularly prone to overheating when exposed to microwave radiation. This heating can in turn lead to a higher incidence of cataracts in later life.[20] A microwave oven with a warped door or poor microwave sealing can be hazardous.
    There is also a considerable electrical hazard around magnetrons, as they require a high voltage power supply.
    Some magnetrons have beryllium oxide (beryllia) ceramic insulators, which are dangerous if crushed and inhaled, or otherwise ingested. Single or chronic exposure can lead to berylliosis, an incurable lung condition. In addition, beryllia is listed as a confirmed human carcinogen by the IARC; therefore, broken ceramic insulators or magnetrons should not be directly handled.
    Grindell Matthews described losing the sight in one eye while testing his "Death Ray" in the 1920s which lends credence to the theory that it was based on a primitive magnetron albeit based on trial and error rather than the scientific method.

    Omg, I physically cringed when he was pounding on that magnetron!!!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  14. #9
    ginofrater started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Omg, I physically cringed when he was pounding on that magnetron!!!

    The same here

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