I do like his enthusiasm though!!!!........If I had that kind of energy with the knowledge I have gained here I would be a millionaire by now
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I do like his enthusiasm though!!!!........If I had that kind of energy with the knowledge I have gained here I would be a millionaire by now
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I watched the first video and it reminded me of something my grandfather taught me. "It takes all kinds of people to make this world go around". My thought was the man is Happy with himself, and wants to impress the rest of us with his video making skills, Wow!. I did not finish watching the second video (I was so angry, I was talking to myself to calm down). When the hammer came out and he smashed the back of the tube, I was done with this guy. The second video reminded me of another lesson from my grandfather, the difference between Ignorance and Stupidity. I now know why we really need a government agency, like the EPA, STUPIDITY can be very harmful to the environment and the health of all us! I hope the EPA watches the video all the way to his house.
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3 day old sweat, bubblegum flavour hair shampoo, cat pizz, pine tree sap, burnt metal from cutting steel with a anglegrinder.
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They won't - this guy's based in Illinois(watched his other videos). Their state's corrupted enough as it is. Not that long ago the government was deciding wither or not to remove the current governor because he let the state go broke. I spent some time living in Rochelle and there was no police or government agency there whatsoever. In fact, state police rolls through there only a few times a week - however, I will also have to say that the lack of police there has equaled up to no crime whatsoever(I could walk around downtown at night without a worry versus worrying about what's going to be broken next here). There's a reason I've come to and stuck around this forum and it isn't for my good looks. I can think of possibly two or three states that has no EPA presence and Illinois is one of them.
We all know about corrupt politicians, Every state has them and they practice their dirty deeds at all levels.
What get's me about someone that post a video, demonstrating his ignorance for all to see. Then further demonstrate how to endanger himself, his family, neighbors and all of us. Lead poisoning has been a know carcinogen and health risk since I can remember. He's not someone that should be posting video how to's on anything. He's both stupid and a A$$!
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Are you all talking about the "TheDreamCar" guy??
I hadn't seen his smashing CRTs vid which is obviously is wrong but I've enjoyed a lot of his other earlier ones (He has a couple of fun "scrapping the suburbs" where he stops and gets every piece of metal he sees sticking out of curbside trash cans). He always has a smile and seems to enjoy himself.
Hey, you want to go shut him down go call the EPA right now. He tells his name (Greg Zanis- if that's he's real name) and he lives in Napierville, IL. Shouldn't be heard to track down. So there, you all have the information you probably need. Go bring in the enviro cops. It might make you feel better. But for some of you I doubt that good vibe will last long. There's always something to bi*** about.
P.S. oldldude- I think he owns the house....
I agree, his videos make me laugh cause of his enthusiasm and his scrapping videos where he stops his truck to even pick up brooms and steel cans off the curb. He's probably the type who gets what he thinks is a cool idea and just does it out of excitement without thinking it through further, I'm sure if you explained to him about the toxicity of doing things like that he would stop. One of the problems in society nowadays is nobody wants to talk to each other or interact, they'd rather call the cops or whatever corrupt government agency that you can think of and get each other in trouble.
Just a tad annoying!
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I can't believe that these people don't think of risks before they pull stunts like this. That just makes us all look bad.
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Call me sadistic, but I was hoping for a little electrocution from snipping wires right away from the "TV MOBO"!
Too bad he didn't remind the boys and girls out there in YouTube land about possible charged transformers...
Last edited by Rollyrogers33; 06-13-2015 at 11:06 PM.
"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark
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Maybe he could transmit that charged transformer into his pyramid shaped electric car he has stashed in the garage. Some of his way older vids show it much better. I bet the cops in Napierville love getting calls about him...
someone send that guy a magnet, some of his videos, he is showing what he is taking to the yard, but has no idea what anything is.
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Buying ewaste and video games !
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