Hobo - Thank you for, that "drama of steel" (I think?). Produced by the Bureau of Mines (Dept. of Interior), we just don't make propaganda films like that any more. Reminds me of the "Dunk and Cover" films we use to watch in school, showing us how to protect ourselves from a nuclear attack from the "Communist Plaque".
I especially liked these narrative comments in the film: "A standard of living that is the envy of the world" and "Feminine eyes that can spot even the slightest of errors".
Now I know it is the Chinese that gave us egg noodles, fireworks and as the film states, probably made the first man made steel items. Today they give us all the cheapest $hit our dollars can by at Walmart, that will fail within a year, so we can scrap it and sell it back to them for dollars a ton. What will they give us next?
I wonder how much this film would cost our government to make today? You know the answer to that question, is answered every year around April 15.