Find out if you can sell the flat screen like it is first.
Try selling just the boards on
eBay or something, like the boards and the wiring and everything you can, except the screen/plastic.
Most of the time theirs either 2 things wrong with them, the screens broken, or the electronics are fried.
If the electronics are fried, its probably because of a bad capacitor. You can see them quite easy, there's often brown gunk coming out of the capacitor, or the capacitor can is swollen.
Try and find out why its not going.
If then screens broken, that's normally what stopped it working, it will still power up and bring up a broken image on the screen. In that case the electronics are probably still good for sale.
If the screens broken and it does not power up, its probably been broken after it stopped working.
If the screens OK. Check the boards for swollen caps. Then run the TV for a few hours to see if its a heat related fault. Sometimes waving a hairdrier or hot air gun over the board will help figure out where the fault is, a dry solder joint or such. Or a bad mylar connection to the screen.
Document and store you flatscreens if you think you can sell them. You need lots of space before you will get two or more of the same sort.
Plasmas, I have got several of the same sort, with good screens and the same problem. I have found out that they often blow the chips in the board down one side once the bad capacitors have blown. So to get them going its not just a case of replacing the badcaps.
They also have at least 455 screws in them, I counted once... Sometimes the screen backing is Ali.
But the work involved is just mind numbing. Though the power supply's are great.
Neon backlit LCD seem to be out of date these days. The heavy thicker LCD screens. Probably good for
escrap and maybe parts, probably not.
LED backlit flat screens, very light and or thin. Current manufacture generation. Good for parts or reconditioning.
I think its best just to get them and find somebody to sell them to at a set price.
badcaps,net (net?-com? Cannot remember right now) is a great forum where you can search for individual flatsceens factory faults and how to fix them, obtain good new Capacitors and general info.
If you can find somebody who is using this info to recondition flat screens, you have a 'guy who buys' your escrap.
The other option that happens, is that somebody will get hundreds of flat screens, tape them 'face to face' and fill a shipping container with them and send it to China, where they can obtain brand new screens and fix even the broken screen.