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Not every locale has free CRT disposal. In many places it is as much as $25.
I can get one large screen CRT and a monitor into my wheelie bin (Local council rubbish bin collection method) each week... Its a bit of work but I do get to keep all of the steel that's inside the tube.
Geravega77 not all CRTs have good amounts of Copper in the degaussing cable, Trinitons and such do because of the way they make the iron mesh 'mask' inside the screen. Google 'Triniton' to find out why.
Generally I have found Panasonic's to be low yealding and Sony's to be higher yealding. Though this is a general indication and it pays to check every CRT anyway.
Even if its just breaking a hole in thru the rear grill and having a look. I was scrapping the better ones when I could and saving a low yealders for later on when I had more time.
Every now and again I would find a 'Super sized up' degaussing cable, mostly Sony's, figure 8 with a full circle around the screen and 'thick as your finger' cables.
Copper #2 has risen from NZ$5.50/Kg to NZ$6.50+/Kg I would get NZ$9.75 for 1.5 Kgs.
I have over 20kg saved up, its a fair bit now because i cannot get anywhere as much scrap as I used to.
Unfortunally its all going towards a new alternator for my car. Lol