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Tons of electronics waste!

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  1. #1
    EuroRecycling started this thread.
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    Tons of electronics waste!

    Hey guys!
    Just wanted to ask you from were you get the e waste?
    As for my self a part I am taking it from the scrap yard!
    Check out my video:

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  3. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Thanks for video.......I see so much you are passing up........If they are letting you dismantle right there set up a workstation and get some battery powered tools......I see 1000's of dollars there but you are just grabbing a few dollars worth

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  5. #3
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Looks like eScrap heaven...Thanks for sharing...

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  7. #4
    EuroRecycling started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Thanks for video.......I see so much you are passing up........If they are letting you dismantle right there set up a workstation and get some battery powered tools......I see 1000's of dollars there but you are just grabbing a few dollars worth
    Hey there! Yea it's true. I am passing by cause I had limited time! I am going there in the morning before the regular job.. They let people there only one day a week. And I grab the high value boards cause it's the most value.. Planing to make more time.. But yea for now this is it Thanks!

  8. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    You ave a lot of older computer stuff there.
    The dot matrix printers often have a good board in them. Anything mid '90's & earlier has good gold in it.

    I'd suggest, bring a good sized sack (seed sack or such) and make a carry strap for it out of a car safety belt, tie one end to one of its bottom corners, the other end (adjusted for carry strap length) ties it shut after its been filled.
    You can carry it full over your shoulder/across your back.
    Fits about 45 motherboards at the most...

    Sort out a workbench & gather your scrap & then scrap it down.
    Do other people get to search the same scrap pile?

  9. #6
    EuroRecycling started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    You ave a lot of older computer stuff there.
    The dot matrix printers often have a good board in them. Anything mid '90's & earlier has good gold in it.

    I'd suggest, bring a good sized sack (seed sack or such) and make a carry strap for it out of a car safety belt, tie one end to one of its bottom corners, the other end (adjusted for carry strap length) ties it shut after its been filled.
    You can carry it full over your shoulder/across your back.
    Fits about 45 motherboards at the most...

    Sort out a workbench & gather your scrap & then scrap it down.
    Do other people get to search the same scrap pile?

    Hey! Thanks for the advice! I will sure do that! I didn't do that in that video because I had limited time.
    Ye also people are coming by searching for parts not for e waste. At least I didn't saw any guy taking boards for scrap.

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