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Recycling a dryer. (violently)

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  1. #11
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I use a battery powered screwdriver to take things apart.

    If find that its it takes about 4 seconds after my loosing patience with something and just bashing it, for me to start bleeding..
    Driers have lots of sharp edges inside them too... Safety first.
    Their cases make good bins to dump lightgauge metal into & once its full i just screw the back back onto it & its compartmentalized.
    Microwaves are exellent for this too. I hammer a screwdriver hole thru the back of the inside of the oven so it wont fill with water. And i use a couple of the 4 screws that are used to hold the steel band around a CRT screen to screw the microwave door shut.
    ( Allways remove the vacuum from CRT screens before messing with them. I grab the circuit board & twist it around a bit untill it cracks near the pins & i can hear the air get sucked into it. Once thats done, its pretty safe as large smooth glass objects with sharp glass bits sticking out of the pointy bit can be. )
    I did get a electric shock off my last one from a undischarged capactor, the 3rd i have had since starting scrapping. Not bad.
    They are fat chunky self tapping screws with a big flat washer on them. Easy to drill their own hole & drive in.

    All of the driers i have met have had Aluminium wires in the motors.
    Certain washing machines and CRT's & later model microwaves have Aluminium windings. ( Some Microwaves have 1 Ali & 1 Copper winding on the transformers. Always check. )

    Im about to pull another microwave apart now. I found it a few hours ago. And i found a ripped off trailer numberplate there too.
    So i took the numberplate into the Police station & he checked & found its off a stolen caravan.
    So with any luck somebody might get their caravan back if the Police can use the video footage off a security camera of a nearby business.
    I find a lot of stuff.....

    Last edited by eesakiwi; 11-05-2019 at 03:33 AM.

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