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  1. #1
    jackshmuc started this thread.
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    "mikethescrapper" stripping transformer the wrong way

    "mike the scrapper" stripping transformer the wrong way trying to be like Jack The Scrapper and ends up cutting himself open with gushing blood and then thinks to put on a pair of gloves.

    ill try not to sound cocky when i say the difference between some one with professional experience and someone just trying to make some cash would be the difference between the 2 videos.

    I still like mike the scrapper:

    and for reference my original clip:

    what do you guys think

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  3. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Nothing like having the proper tools!

    Using a shake hatchet(broken no less) as a chisel, nice.

    Don't anyone use a vise anymore? Beating crap on the floor like caveman.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 01-19-2012 at 04:24 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  5. #3
    jackshmuc started this thread.
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    the vice takes too long putting it in and then out plus the mess you are left with can jam up the table vice good. and I don't know about you but when I bolted my vice down to my 400 lb rack turned work bench. I realized that I swing a hammer with more force then my bench can take.

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  7. #4
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Multi multi multi fail!!!!

    1st fail, Using a hatchets axe face as a chisel. Its to be used as a axe only.

    2nd fail, The bashed part is actually a hammer head...

    3rd fail, The hatchet heads not on center with the axe face, so when it was bashed, it spun around in the guys hand (the two points where it rotated were the far end of the axe face & where he hit it, making it spin around on that axis)

    4th fail, Bashing the hatchets hammer head with a second hammer... OMG, don't you know NEVER bash two hammer faces together.
    They are both case hardened & bashing them together 'contains' the forces of the hardened metal.
    When the forces mount up, suddenly a part of the case hardened head explodes & shoots off a very hard piece of metal, sorta like a kinetic hand grenade.
    You can see where it happened, the sudden spark as it shot off & the guys hand getting pierced by the splinter.

    Actually thats a **** good example of it, I have heard of someone getting a 1 inch long splinter up completely under their fingernail.... Ouch!

    Its also the same reason you regrind the head of a chisel back when it starts to mushroom out.
    Hope he was wearing safety glasses.

    5th fail, No gloves. Ok I don't use them either, but thats because I can't fit them on my hands. Too hard to explain ATM.
    Same reason I type with two fingers.

    6th fail, Well technically.... You should probably use a larger hammer here, like a 5Lb hammer.
    less bashes = less chance of something bad happening. Thats a carpenters hammer, used for bashing tiny nails, not chisels.

    7th fail, Well in the end (or start) you don't need a chisel, just upend the transformer so its got one edge on the ground & the part he's bashing up in the air, then bash across that corner edge. (I'm talking about microwave transformers here).

    Thats where I do use a carpenters hammer.
    With the smaller hammer & what I'm doing, is too loosen the end plates laminations & weaken the weld, then I flip it around & do the other end of the laminations & by then the welds cracked & I can see where its cracked.
    The laminations come off in chunks, but I need those chunks to prop out the whole transformer later & to use as a punch to bash the Copper coils off the 'E's. (I'm doing this on a footpath, where I found the microwave.... less tools to carry).

    8th fail, Ahhhh Aluminum wires? Shoulda checked both windings first... Thats like 380 grams of Ali there, worth, ah,
    NZ 40cents..... = US$0.32cents

    9th (maybe) fail, Just peel off the insulation around the windings, it saves space & looks better. The cardboard peels off & the glue chips off & what you can't get off after a proper cleanup like that, is just wasting time considering the actual amount of waste material left on the coil.

    10 (maybe) fail, That iron cores made of Iron, not Aluminum. But I know what he ment.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 01-19-2012 at 06:20 PM.

  8. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackshmuc View Post
    the vice takes too long putting it in and then out plus the mess you are left with can jam up the table vice good. and I don't know about you but when I bolted my vice down to my 400 lb rack turned work bench. I realized that I swing a hammer with more force then my bench can take.
    Same here, mines worn & I have to unwind it a few more times to get the jaw moving, wastes time.
    I do it with the vice open so I can use it to punch out the iron core later on & use the anvil part of the vise as a hard base to put the core on as I bash it apart.
    I used two long bed end bolts to fix it to the bench top, now the bench tops come apart from the rest of the bench...
    But it works.

    PS. Posting all this was fun, hoped you like it
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 01-19-2012 at 06:12 PM.

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  10. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    now you got me wondering what happened to your hands kiwi !!

  11. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    now you got me wondering what happened to your hands kiwi !!
    Its called "The sign of the Viking" because it was first noticed in the Vikings.

    Ronald Regan & Margaret Thatcher have it too, its genetic & proves I'm related to both of them.....
    Bill Nighy has it too, he dosen't hide it, actually he goes out of his way to show it.
    Thats one of the symptons, we don't hide it, or want it fixed..

    Remember Bill Clinton & the Monica scandal?
    Bills got another version of it, Peyronie's disease, that was what Monicas 'secret' knowledge was.

    Yah'd get a larf outta that one.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 01-19-2012 at 08:57 PM.

  12. #8
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    dora bandaid
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  13. #9
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    Does Jack The Scrapper even where safety glasses?? I never see them on him.

  14. #10
    jackshmuc started this thread.
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    yes I do 90 % of the time I just never remember when I am filming an eppisode

  15. #11
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    Good to know Jack! When I watch your videos I worry about you not having them on.

    Wouldn't want you to wear the eye patch for real!!

  16. #12
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    LOL - That is all I'm going to say =) Oh and 10 years =)
    If you like to Scrap the Crap & Cash the Trash - Then Check out our Videos on Youtube!

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