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Scrapping an old Computer

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  1. #1
    samuel-a started this thread.
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    Scrapping an old Computer

    Hi all,

    As you guys know, a new scrapper is burn every day so i decided to make a new scrapping video, main subject is plain old PC's...

    Most of you probably know all of this as i'm covering the very basics in the video, but i think new guys or those scrappers who never dealt with computers before will find it useful.

    A few points which may come up and some have already brought up in the comments section of the video are:

    - What about the cable ends (contains gold plated pind) which are being cut off?
    In my mind, simply collect them, let them pile up and sell to a larger dealer.
    - What about the PSU ?
    Too much work for my taste for a too little return.
    - What about the platters and Neodymium magnets in HD?
    I think selling these platters on eBay for "PLATINUM RECOVERY WOW" is a total ripoff, but that's just me... The magnets are cool things to have though.
    - What about the Laser diode in the CD-Rom?
    Again, too much work in my mind, just for this little gold plated diode casing.

    If you have any more of the same, please feel free to ask, comment or answer yourself.

    The video:

    (p.s- all of the answers above are only my own opinion, which not nessecerly be the best)
    Last edited by samuel-a; 03-11-2012 at 08:06 PM.
    Regards, Sam

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  3. #2
    little726's Avatar
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    Great video! Thanks for sharing it!

    One of the boxes I removed from a computer says, "Class 1 Laser Product" "Containes Radioactive Material Inside and Out." My question is, is this a box I can safely break down?

  4. #3
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Good Vid!
    my .02

    1) taking apart the floppy drive and power supply is wasteful. Many yards pay upwards of .15 per # floppy and .39 per # power supply as is. This method recovers a .15 low grade and the rest is .10 shred. Same for power supply.

    2) It's been my experience that cd-rom boards are considered mother grade not medium grade.

    3) Cutting fingers off the memory is again wasteful. Do the math. $14 per pound of memory stick as is. If cut off, $70 per pound for gold fingers, then .50 per pound for what is left. Your incresing profit by 500% on the gold fingers (about 1/8th the weight) and decreasing your profit by approx 400 percent on the other 7/8ths of the weight.

    4) You should keep the small heat sink on the mother board if your buyer allows you as this is trading $3.50 per pound weight for .50 per # weight. You should also cut off the plastic casing that held the larger heat sink as many buyers will dock you for this.

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  6. #4
    samuel-a started this thread.
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    I have never heard of a CD-Rom laser diodes that contains Radioactive materials...
    Though, you did not mentioned what this box is....
    Honesty, i'm not well versed in the constroction and the makeup of lasers or lenses, so i feel i can't really give you a straight answer...
    If you are in doubt, don't scrap this box.


    Thanks for your input, it's great to see others approach to the same matter.
    Boy... how scrap buyers are different from each other...
    For example, around here, they couldn't care less about the plastics but goes berserk if too much Ali shows up.
    The same goes for unusual boards grading...

    One thing i can not agree with you is, the PCI cards/RAM sticks prices for after fingers removal.
    They are downgraded to some degree,yes, but from 14$ a lb to 0.5$ a lb... man that's a total ripoff and you should find another buyer... As about half of the total gold value (in RAM's) is in the the IC's, the rest is on the stick and the fingers. Not to mention the Copper and MLCC's/Resistors which stay on the stick...
    My buyer buys trimmed PCI cards at same rates as motherboards so i just mix them...

    As far as i know (and correct me if i'm wrong) is the only one publically advetising his current rates, you can see the difference from trimmed and un-trimmed are not as acute as you described. And he is still in business...
    I can't tell you how much do i sell RAM stick as i process them by my self and never sold one piece

    Again, Thanks for your 2 cents, means a lot

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  8. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    One of the boxes I removed from a computer says, "Class 1 Laser Product" "Contains Radioactive Material Inside and Out." My question is, is this a box I can safely break down?
    Yes they are safe to open, I think the warning is for the laser diode, don't know of anything dangerous in there. the diode is only dangerous if you look into it.
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  10. #6
    little726's Avatar
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    Sam and Mechanic, thank you for your polite reply.

    I am not sure what the box is. It was taken out of an Apple, Mac monitor. The monitor looked like it was an all-in-one monitor. I will check the box again and see if I can find out what it is. I almost think it's a floppy disk player.

  11. #7
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    You are referring to the warning label regarding the Laser in the optical reading devices. Not hazardous to you when.... just dont put it over your eye when it is powered on.
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  13. #8
    LB7's Avatar
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    Great video!

  14. #9
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    Thank you for the video. I have an old broken pc that I was going to tear apart for my first scrap and really had no clue where to start. Very informative to a computer noob , thanks again!

  15. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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  17. #11
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    thanks for the video...i have a question.i called and can only get .27 a lb for power supplies. at what price would you break them down?

  18. #12
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    Good video. I like your point and tap approach with text on the screen to describe what you are doing. Much more effective than hearing ahhhhhs and ummmms and eliminates the need for unnecessary chatter when nothing is happening. Allows the viewer greater concentration on what is actually happening.

  19. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootsitall View Post
    thanks for the video...i have a question.i called and can only get .27 a lb for power supplies. at what price would you break them down?
    I get paid .27 for them without wire, so I clip them and the buyer gets the box.

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  21. #14
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    "Quite helpful video. A good opportunity for us to learn, how to scrap an old computer in a better way.
    Looking forward for some more."

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