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  1. #1
    oshkoshplasticsllc started this thread.
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    Importing spent shotgun shells from Canada into USA

    So a huge question I am not having much luck with is this: I seeking information on whether spent shotgun shells would fall into the category of scrap metal or scrap plastic or some other kind of mixed scrap category for importing into the USA from Canada. naturally the shells are more hdpe plastic than the brass or steel casings... but how would the usa border control tag them? also would this material fall under the NAFTA compact and be consider duty free? hopefully i dont run into any hazard issues considering they are spent "used" and nothing is live including primers. the shells themselves were mostly imported from us ammunition makers, spent and now i wish to bring them for recycling of there hdpe content and of course the small amount of brass or steel. the loads would one per month consisting of 40,000 lbs packed into gaylord boxes. do i need to be certified to import this kind of material? bonded or offer sureties? how long would these loads be held at customs? any carrier suggestions who have experience importing scrap material into the USA from Canada?

    Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    Presumably you are talking a truckload, in other words many gaylords full....?

    Your best bet is to check with a firm that does commercial border brokerage. You will get the best answers and you will need the paperwork anyway to cross. And if the outfit you choose doesn't specialize in that kind of commodity, they should at least direct you to another firm who does specialize in what you are looking at.

    Even if you are just talking a pickup load, a border broker can be your best friend. It doesn't cost a lot and sure greases the skids when you cross the line.

    They will also be familiar with the ins and outs of NAFTA regulations.


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  4. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I would guess metal over plastic. So Sheet iron
    Last edited by hobo finds; 08-12-2015 at 04:40 PM.

  5. #4
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Are you going to re-load these empty casings or have another use besides scrap? I think most shotgun "brass" nowadays is steel. Maybe I'm missing the value but 20 tons of these as scrap at say $40 a ton (I'm just guessing 2 cents a pound as light steel or as plastic) seems like a lot of effort to gross $800 (???)

  6. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    I'd assume that there will be some form, since they were ammunition. What, though, I can't tell you. I'd talk to a broker- I could see this getting pretty hairy if something isn't done correctly....
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  8. #6
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    you need to read up on import/export regulations and tariff shifts...there is a huge thick book of all the classifications. people make a good living just consulting on this very topic, so it's not the easiest to answer...

    link to Harmonized Tariff Schedule Harmonized Tariff Schedule Search

    9306.30.41 Cartridges and empty cartridge shells , scroll down for empty, other.

  9. #7
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Any update on this plan??

  10. #8
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    I'm a newb but where is computer scrap on this?

  11. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapitalRecovery View Post
    I'm a newb but where is computer scrap on this?
    In the shell casing between the primer and the powder. There is a small chip that tells the powder to go boom.

    Go back and read the first post again but slower this time.

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  14. #11
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I went to the site and typed in goats and found this info...

  15. #12
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capitalrecovery View Post
    i'm a newb but where is computer scrap on this?

  16. #13
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    So sheep are free but goats cost if they have heads???

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  18. #14
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapitalRecovery View Post
    So sheep are free but goats cost if they have heads???
    Yes! Welcome!

  19. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by oshkoshplasticsllc View Post
    So a huge question I am not having much luck with is this: I seeking information on whether spent shotgun shells would fall into the category of scrap metal or scrap plastic or some other kind of mixed scrap category for importing into the USA from Canada. naturally the shells are more hdpe plastic than the brass or steel casings... but how would the usa border control tag them? also would this material fall under the NAFTA compact and be consider duty free? hopefully i dont run into any hazard issues considering they are spent "used" and nothing is live including primers. the shells themselves were mostly imported from us ammunition makers, spent and now i wish to bring them for recycling of there hdpe content and of course the small amount of brass or steel. the loads would one per month consisting of 40,000 lbs packed into gaylord boxes. do i need to be certified to import this kind of material? bonded or offer sureties? how long would these loads be held at customs? any carrier suggestions who have experience importing scrap material into the USA from Canada?

    Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated
    Where in Canada do we generate 40,000 pounds of spent shot gun shells every month, I figure you found the Canadian Crown Assets Dispossal site and found out they offer spent brass via closed bidding.

    This is what's required from north of the 49th for those spent shells to leave Canada, this informtion came directly from Crown Assets.

    The PURCHASER understands that the assets purchased are identified on Canada's Export Control List (ECL) and are subject to the Export and Import Permits Act.

    The PURCHASER agrees not to export these assets without first consulting with the Export Controls Division of Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Development Canada (DFATD).

    The PURCHASER acknowledges that it shall be their responsibility to obtain any required permit prior to the export of the assets.

    Once your paper work was in oder, bill of laiding and your manifest your good to go with any carrier licensed and bonded to do business in both Canada and the USA, because your good are transported in Bond there would be no delay with Customs.

    Just assure your manifest clearly states what is in the crates, no carrier is going to risk losing his Bond.

    Last edited by alloy2; 10-26-2016 at 08:23 PM.

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  21. #16
    Otto's Avatar
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    Where in Canada do we generate 40,000 pounds of spent shot gun shells every month
    Police services would generate some, but certainly not 40,000 lbs per month. They would need to dispose of a fair amount of brass though, I assume by a similar process to the above Crown Assets Disposal.

  22. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    Police services would generate some, but certainly not 40,000 lbs per month. They would need to dispose of a fair amount of brass though, I assume by a similar process to the above Crown Assets Disposal.
    With only 33 million people in Canada that would be enough empty casings to give each person 20 shells.

    2016 census 44,476,688 Canada versus 318.86 fot the USA not counting illeagles.

    Our military and police forces do not favour shot guns,

  23. #18
    Otto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alloy2 View Post
    With only 33 million people in Canada that would be enough empty casings to give each person 20 shells.

    2016 census 44,476,688 Canada versus 318.86 fot the USA not counting illeagles.

    Our military and police forces do not favour shot guns,
    I agree the amount of spent casings being talked about doesn't make sense. The use of shotguns for police and the military would be primarily for delivering "non-lethal" projectiles (such as in riot control).

    If you've got the weapons, you need to train with them which would result in spent casings. As a former Base Defence Force platoon commander, I recall this being covered in "Aid to the civil power" training.

  24. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    I agree the amount of spent casings being talked about doesn't make sense. The use of shotguns for police and the military would be primarily for delivering "non-lethal" projectiles (such as in riot control).

    If you've got the weapons, you need to train with them which would result in spent casings. As a former Base Defence Force platoon commander, I recall this being covered in "Aid to the civil power" training.
    I'm 67 years old and had to rely on Wikipedia to find out when we Canadian's acatually had a riot there have been a total of 31 riots in Canada

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    ^^ A lot of good stories there. It's interesting to see how many incidents involved hockey and, I'm sure, alcohol. Not on the list are prison riots/uprisings. Kingston, Ontario has close to a dozen prisons in the area. The base in Kingston had to be on stand-by if things ever got out of hand. I remember being told of one riot where the military was called in. The commander marched his troops in and gave the order to fix bayonets. Seeing this, the rioting prisoners quickly gave themselves up. Intimidation is a favourite tactic in any military.

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