I would not waste my time shipping plain
scrap metal to anywhere unless you like going in the hole money wise. If it's a container full of recovered gold or platinum great you might make a profit after container and shipping fees and paying someone to recieve and process what you shipped. Not knowing what kind of scrap you are referring to I can say this for sure. I haul tonnage of shred to the yard weekly and currently make 2.5 cents a pound. I don't keep aluminum because it takes up so much room and a truck load does not weigh very much plus most yards want to consider everything dirty. I have very little overhead and the yard is only a mile or so away so it covers expenses. I am hoarding copper, brass, insulated wire and brass radiators waiting for things to improve. I believe it will soon after the election. I bought a neat
wire stripper so I am stripping all the insulated wire in to bare bright that is considered number one copper where I sell. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I never knock anyone for trying something new.

Originally Posted by
I am wondering who would I contact about shipping scrap metal from Africa. I have a friend in Nigeria who I am trying to talk into getting a container and filling it with Metal and shipping it either to here or to China. Whatever pays better but I have no Idea who I would talk to about international shipping. Any idea's would help. This idea is just getting started and I'm trying to work out the numbers.