Originally Posted by
I am a small timer and this is great advice. I don't ship anything that pays less than $1.50 per lb. Anything less and you won't get much in return. If you don't get a prepaid shipping label from on of the buyers on the forum, I would at least create an account with FedEx to get a little better rate. You can get a shipping price quote on FedEx as well. Use your own box, measure the dimensions, weigh it and enter it on the site. Hope this helps.
Good points and let me add to them. If you have filled you box with all the higher value items but still have room then fill the empty space with lower value items. Where I am located I can't get more than $0.15/lb for any green boards so filling in with cheaper things make sense for me.
If you have the room shipping a pallet is far cheaper per pound.
On the bottom of boxes there is a printed seal that tells you several things including the max weight for that box. Remember that seal was for the box when it was new not used.
Fiber reinforcing tape is a good idea. 73, Mike