New World Recycling is located at
3801 North Commerce Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76106
Open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Open on all holidays!
New World Recycling is located at
3801 North Commerce Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76106
Open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Open on all holidays!
Hey, I just visited your site and it was a good visit. I was curious if you had an online price sheet available?
We have a price sheet on our website at Just click the pricing link at the top right.
So how much do you pay for scrap cell phones?
I am brand new to E-recycling but 0.10 LB for hard drives? Seems way off the mark to me.
I will throw out my opinion on the website. It blows. Who wants to see pretty pictures of crap I don't care about. Show your yard, people that you employee, your machinery. Anything but pretty pictures. This is a dirty industry not some vacation. I pretty much took away from your website that you are either very small or just starting out. If i was in your area I personally wouldn't deal with anyone but CMC. Good luck.
Wow, I'm in Fort Worth, this is an awesome find! Until now, the only guy who would buy everything I have is in Little Elm, TX (near Denton)!
Also, to the previous poster, CMC doesn't take Ewaste, at least the FTWorth one doesn't.
OK, I have to give a review on New World Recycling. I'm warning you, it's not
going to be good.
What did I bring with me?
1. 132.5 LBS of Aluminum Cans
2. 74.5 LBS of Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
3. 71 LBS Copper Bearing Motor (Sump Pump)
4. 64 LBS of computer power supplies
It's hard to know where to start. First thing is, when you get there, it's confusing as
all hell. It's such a small yard, there's not really anywhere to park.
Half the people there don't even speak English.
OK, so the only reason I'm going there is, they have a February special posted on
their Facebook and Twitter pages, where you print out a copuon and get 4 cents more per
pound of aluminum cans. So I call them on the phone before going to confirm that
this coupon works, and will bring me $0.64/LB for aluminum cans. They say yes, just
show us the coupon. So when I get there, I talk to two different people outside,
and show them the coupon, and they assure me everything is OK.
When they finally weigh my scrap and I go inside, guess what they try to do? Yes,
you're reading my mind, that's right, they say we can't accept your coupon. I told the
lady that I called on the phone, and talked to the people who greeted me at the scrap yard,
and they told me it would work, and so after about a minute of arguing with her (I wasns't
cussing or anything, just pleading and begging), they accept one of my coupons, but
not the other coupon I brought in for 5 cents extra per pound on copper bearing motors.
Fine, I accept this. So if you're going there with a coupon, be forewarned, they will
only accept one category at a time.
Any more problems? Yes! They pay me for only 122 LBS of aluminum cans!
Now I watched them weigh the cans. Let me describe how that works briefly. So I
brought 14 bags of aluminum cans, weighed at 10 pounds per bag, with each bag weighing
about a half pound, so I had 133 LBS of AL. You empty all your bags into a big
steel container, and on the side of that container was spray pained in red "999". This
is the weight in pounds of that container. When they put that container with my cans
on one of their 4 or 5 scales, I saw that thing go up to 1131 LBS. Subtract the 999 LBS
for their steel container, and you are left with 132 LBS, what I actually brought there.
One thing I noticed on the printout was, it showed a Tare weight of 1000 LBS on that
particular container. So right there, they made an error. Looking around the yard,
I saw 4 or 5 containers with those tare weights spary painted on the side. Mine was 999,
another was like 1005, another was like 1003 or something. So they don't even bother
to accurately figure out which container box they're weighing your stuff in. They
just average them all to 1000.
On item #2, they weighed it at 80 LBS, instead of 74/75 LBS, they forgot to subtract
6 LBS for the Plastic box I had them in. So this error worked in my favor.
On Item #3, it weighted at 69 LBS, vs my home scale of 71 LBS. I'm using a WII
Balance board hooked up to my PC by bluetooth, and I'm pretty sure it's accurate.
Now I remember that the scale showed -2 before they put the sump pump on it. So did
they short me 2 pounds by mistake or on purpose? Either way I don't like it.
Item #4 really got me irritated. They weighed it in at 70 LBS, forgetting to subtract my
6 LBS for my plastic box, so that was in my favor. But when I called I asked about computer power supplies
and they said I could get $0.25/LB on them. Guess what they counted my power supplies as?
Yes, that's right, Sheet Tin #2 Light at 170 LBS a TON. So, instead of getting $0.25
per pound, I got a whopping $0.085/LB. I argued with them about this but by the time
I was doing that, their workers had already dumped my box of power supplies into the
Steel Tin Box.
So I said (to myself), screw it, I'll take what they're giving me and NEVER COME HERE AGAIN.
Now in regards to the copuon, the lady acted like it was a big deal that she had already
filled out the form and would have to REDO IT (OH MY GOD!) to take into account my coupon.
That was the real reason she gave me an issue with it. This is what I think happened;
they got pissed off at having to do some more work for a customer, and they changed the
weight on my aluminum cans on purpose. They figured they were going to pay me $0.60
for 132-133 LBS and then they changed it to $0.64 for 122 LBS.
Moral of story? Stay away! They get you to print out a facebook coupon, and they're
going to DELIBERATELY SHORT YOU on it. I'd have been better never mentioning this stupid
coupon to begin with.
Also, I had my iphone with me, but didn't think to take a video. Even still, taking a video in that
scrapyard or any scrapyard is scary - I don't want to get hit by falling scrap or some forklift
whizzing around the yard. Even if I had taken video proof, I didn't feel like arguing with
them. The AL can error cost me $6, the error in my favor on the batteries gained me $1.50,
and the error on the power supplies cost me ~$11.
I'm sure they know they have the advantage on that - most
people want to get in and out with their cash. Next time I go to a scrap
yard I think I'll video them. I'll just say it's nothing personal, the last yard I went shorted me
for 10 pounds of Al.
Last edited by CoreyTx; 03-01-2014 at 03:20 PM.
Your whole experience there sucked!! Thanks for letting others know about their crappy service--they are now forewarned. Your idea of filming their weighing process is a good one--if there is an argument later the pictures will tell the story.
There is no reason their weights should not be very close to yours--even the heavy bins, as most of those types of scales can read to the nearest pound without trouble. I've been to yards where they check the tare EVERY time on the non-ferrous, as the bin weights can vary with mud sticking to the underside, crap left in the bin, etc, etc.
wow that's terrible but thanks for sharing its a great reason everyone should be on this forum its like having a real world b.b.b.
In DFW I've had good results with Encore Recycling in Garland for metals, and FMI in Oak Cliff for ewaste.
I have bad things to say about some other places around town, but I'm'a be a nice guy & bite my tongue.
Out of clutter, find simplicity. --Albert Einstein
I an new to this forum. Not sure if this is acceptable for me to post a review of this business yet or not. But here goes.
This yard was one of the worst experiences I have EVER had. From the initial non English greeting forklift drivers who were of no help describing the SOP to a new client that dropped a steel container and where gone in 2 seconds to the rudest cashier I have ever delta with I must say the entire operation was a joke. I had called ahead, checked to be sure of pricing, a complete and total waste of time. I separated and sorted each item I had taken in 35 pounds low grade brown boards, 30 pounds of mixed LSMB and DSSB, and 24 pounds of PCI boards. For this I was scaled in and paid for 75 pounds (let's do the math and see the issue with this....35+30+24=89 not 75) of low grade electronic waste at a price of .10 a pound. I also had 40 pounds of cleaned and broken down HDD aluminum bodies (no boards,platters, magnets or motors) after having to explain to the gentleman operating the forklift that it was aluminum, he was able to inform me it would be graded as shear scrap. The ticket at checkout did show being paid for #2 aluminum at least. The copper weight was 2 pounds off, on this I will assume I wrote my weights down wrong. Power supplies while given a price per pound for where thrown in with tin and paid at .10 a pound as well.
After speaking with around 20 other people either on the street where you must go park while they start to weigh you in before you get back as well as well as in other yards locally I have come to understand this is a common practice.
If you have had a great or even good experience with these folks I am glad. I however took a huge loss, not only on "market" value but also off the prices given by staff at the location. Sorry for the negative review, I prefer not to leave one most time. However in this case I feel that .10 a pound for motherboards and pci boards is a joke. I own the fact I chose to go there. I learned. Take the review for what it is.
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