Howdy Neighbor, as a fellow Knoxvillian, you wouldn’t happen to know of any buyers of ready for extraction EV Battery Cells from the Nissan Leaf would you? Like I said, they’re drained and ready for transport and from what research I have found are made of Copper, 18% Cobalt, 12% Nickel or vice versa, or then again I could be thinking of something else entirely, I’m terrible with numbers. I believe there is some Manganese and Aluminum in those cells also. If I was 12 or 18% smarter, I would be able to post some photos of said cells. Anyways, I would be grateful for any help or direction you can possibly give. I am not really concerned with whatever the Market Value is of the specific metals. I would be happy to get $5 each for them. Anyways, I Thank You Kindly in advance and if you’d like to see pics, just let me know an email address to send them to and I’ll send them right over.