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  1. #1
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    the only difference I see is that you must have started your auction at a higher price.......Mine was an experiment to see if the thick stuff would bring more money so the only way I saw to get a fair market value was to start at .99........All good and glad you sold yours MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cool. I also was testing the market to see I I could improve on the price I get from my buyer since gold has gone up recently. I did not get what I consider a worth while price. Its just so much easier to send off to my buyers knowing all is well. On eBay there are risks that a buyer can ripe you off and it be a total loss plus the costs of shipping.

    My response was "intended" to show more evidence of the market on ebay for scrap ram. I know is Mike is very experienced but I did include statements and information that I consider important for inexperienced folks to know. I have not mentioned this before but I do tend to answer questions or make comments directed not just at the individual but also the rest of the readers. I may have come off as if I was assuming Mike couldn't do the the math no so.

    Ebay pushes hard to start auctions at 99 cents. I am not starting at that price for any of my items. The difference in my mind is generally what I sell is used stuff that not everyone needs. Because of this I run most as buy now, for 10 days with auto relist X 2. That gives me a month of near the top of the lists. With auctions my starting price is the least I am willing to accept for an item that way I am not disappointed.

    I will say again its great that members here share what works and what does not do as well. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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