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  1. #241
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    Hey she is cute. Have you got her trained to cook for you yet?
    She's a free spirit, likes to wander and refuses to be house broke.

    Besides Pat came back home, at least she called before coming back, the only surprise she got was all the empty beer cans laying all over the yard and house. Anyhow its good to have her back. I ran out of dishes and clean socks, I was down to eating chili beans out of the can.

    When I worked for a living driving truck or welding out in the field with my old Lincoln SA-200, I would lay a can of Stagg chili beans onto the exhaust manifold a half hour before lunch time to have a hot lunch. You get weired looks from your co workers when your miles from civilization and they smell steak cooking.and their eating tuna sandwiches..

    We had a practical joker on one job, guy was like 6'5" weighed in at 250 or better his nic was Tiny.. Just after morning start up the truck I was following to the pit started spewing something out of the stack into the air, tunned out Tiny had stuffed a full bag of pop corn down the stack,the night before then when the exhaust got hot enough all this corn started popping and spewing out.

    We had one year old Kenworth's with 550 cats pulling B trains with clam dumps, which can be tricky. When your off loading to have to keep your speed constant and not look into your mirrors. You always off load the trailer at the end of the train first keeping weight from the first trailer onto your drivers.

    Heading back with a load, the guy in front of me didn't have enough speed up when he tripped the gate, everything happened in slow motion as i watched events unfold. The rear trailer now high centered on the heavily spread windrow started to tip. and tip more until it finally went over onto its side, then the seconded trailer went over a bit faster then the tractor went over much faster. Kinda like crack the whip, driver came out unhurt with only a broken windshield and a mirror on the passenger side.

    Same job on another day, the gravel we were hauling came from a large pile in the pit which had a haul road leading to the top. Wished I had my camera for this one, the pile had been whittled away to nothing with only the haul road left. This new driver scooted up the haul road only to find it lead into nothing, the front wheels hanging into free air, truck resting on the fuel tanks, the trailer saved his butt.
    Last edited by gustavus; 08-10-2012 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #242
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    When I worked for a living driving truck or welding out in the field with my old Lincoln SA-200, I would lay a can of Stagg chili beans onto the exhaust manifold a half hour before lunch time to have a hot lunch. You get weired looks from your co workers when your miles from civilization and they smell steak cooking.and their eating tuna sandwiches..
    There is a whole forum about cooking your lunch while driving around. An easy way to eat healthy; How to Cook Food on Your Car's Engine: 9 steps - wikiHow
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  4. #243
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    There is a whole forum about cooking your lunch while driving around. An easy way to eat healthy; How to Cook Food on Your Car's Engine: 9 steps - wikiHow

    How To Cook Food on Your Car Engine
    LOL we did this a few years back on a road trip to washington state. We had 3 cars inthe caravan and we each put steak and taters on the manifold. We pulled into a rest stop to eat poped the hoods and you should have seen the looks on peoples faces when we sat at the picnic tables eating like kings

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  6. #244
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Guys and Gals last week I sold all the aluminum I had laying about from this yard, then today had to go over to the other house which we just sold to clear out some of my junk when I came across an aluminum manifold and a water jacket from an old Case diesel engine.

    Combined I'm guessing they weigh no more than 30 lbs, before I pull the pin of you guys I;m going to show you all how to turn that 30 lbs into $300.00, I figure my foundry sand is good for a couple more runs and I have 30% propane fuel left in my big tank and one small silicon carbide crucible left to use.

    You'll have to give me a couple of weeks, right now I'm busy with my platinum blacks washing out excess zinc.

    Patterns, well I'll be the fist to state what I know you could stuff in a thimble. But you need a pattern to cast right so here's how you go about getting that pattern buy if off of ebay.

    I cast fishing weight molds, and there's a reason why. I takes money to be able to deep sea fish so this is the market I targeted. Bought my first mold off of ebay then modified it by sanding out the rough spots and parting lines then giving it some draft 3% is all you need to be able to release the pattern from the sand.

    Somewhere on the pattern drill a 1/4" hole then thread if, after the pattern has been compacted into the sand you screw in a rod into that 1/4" hole which you can gently tap on all sides then lift the pattern out of the sand leaving a perfect imprint of the copy behind. Any small bits of sand that fall into the cavity can be gently blown out using a drinking straw.

    I'll do a complete picture expose from start to finish, it would be nice if admin would allot some space for those pictures relieving me of the responsibility of baby sitting them for the rest of my life. Previously a folder in photobucket was deleted which had pictures and mov files related to scrapping all were lost.

    Just saying as I think it in the memberships best interests to preserve the forums content, as this will be my last contribution to the forum before I go photography full time. I'm tired of telling stories reliving the past when a whole new world awaits me to discover.

    I may have commented that my bank account was sitting with $7.00 in checking after I had the truck safetied, here's how it went afer.

    1. Paid off credit card used to pay remainder of insurance then plated my Dodge.
    2. Bought that crappy trailer from Jack, had $500.00 into it before returning it to Jack.
    3. Little Dipper Loader, had radiator repaired.
    4. John Deere riding mower.
    5. 8 x 10 wide format camera.
    6. 4 x 5 wide format camera.
    7. Mega Vision digital scan back for the 4 x 5 camera.
    8. Sony A900 24 mega pixel digital
    9. HP Z3200PS wide format 44 inch printer.
    10.Milwaukee Sawzall
    11.Milwaukee Angle Grinder.
    12.A pair of HP Workstations

    Spent thousands of dollars in fuel, the only repair to the crane truck was a water pump.

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  8. #245
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wandering the county side in search of old ion and found more than I bargained for, the tuck resides in a very small building which was also very dark. No flash on the camera so these are all lengthly hand held time exposures. A bit shaky to say the least but you can certainly tell its an old Model T truck.

    I'll be searching out the land owner to make an offer on this tuck in the near future.

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  10. #246
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    If you scrap this I swear to god I will come up there and beat you to a bloody pulp and feed you to the bear.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

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  12. #247
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    I wish gustavus was my grandpa!

  13. #248
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    No Bear but cute just the same - Dragon Fly.

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  15. #249
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    Man that is a nice shot. Was it landed or flying when you took the picture.

  16. #250
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    Man that is a nice shot. Was it landed or flying when you took the picture.
    Permanently grounded , peeled off the truck grill.

    Here's a neat shot of the sun catching thunderheads. Be sure to right click view image for a larger version.

    Last edited by gustavus; 08-16-2012 at 09:41 PM.

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  18. #251
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Today's find 100 year old wooden box now on fleabay, I figure its a no sale or could go as high as $1200.00. What do you guys and gals think.

    Vintage 1900s Rare Hudsons Bay Company Xmass Hamper - Winnipeg | eBay

  19. #252
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The wood HBC box sold for $510.00.

    Last edited by gustavus; 09-16-2012 at 07:07 PM.

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  21. #253
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    Love the photo's and the truck. Congrats on selling the box. I assume it was a hansome profit. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  22. #254
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Love the photo's and the truck. Congrats on selling the box. I assume it was a hansom profit. Mike.
    Thanks miked, just fleabay fees.

    Also got two suit cases full of old children's books from the 1930's, plus some sterling silver and an old ignition system from a 1928 Chevy.

    The sterling was a first for me, most of the old stuff the homesteaders had was silver plate, so I'm rather pleased with this find.

    On the ignition system you will note that the hot lead is encased inside a secure wire coil which attached firmly to the firewall, this was supposed to deter theft of your automobile while you were in the pub boozing it up.

    The more I got thinking about that old Model T truck they must have driven it into the garage, it would be impossible to tow with that worm gear differential.

    Last edited by gustavus; 09-16-2012 at 09:07 PM.

  23. #255
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    Lots of times the ''car speak'' goes over my head but I absolutely love reading your posts Gus

    That silver is absolutely beautiful Gus!

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  25. #256
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Still have the crane truck and been taking in loads now and then, this is funny as last year I started out with a home built tandem car trailer which I still have but find it has its short comings when I need to haul my Little Dipper loader. The loader weighs 8800 lbs, you all may recall the landfill site on the Res.

    Jack is history to may games. I've been going to a new yard, checked their scale against the highways scale and they give honest weights, no more weighing myself in though have to keep bankers hours. Anyhow while I was at the yard today spotted a really nice set of Torkflex axles yup all three of them with good 10 ply tires, electric brakes on all.

    These are 7,000 lb axles that I bought for $250.00, soooo it looks like we're going to build another trailer with a GVW of 21,000 lbs. This is a much bigger payload than what the crane truck can legally haul. once this baby's finished I'll have no problems moving the loader onto a job site.

    I've pretty much hauled in every scrap car and truck within a 75 mile radius from home and the pickens are getting slim so its time to regroup - go trailer.

    Figure on going for a goose neck trailer this round, I'm going to snarf the hydraulic winch from the crane truck before it's sold with plans to mount the winch onto the new trailer with a hydraulic power pack run off a small gasoline engine.

    Oh, ya not to forget i have an account that produces 10 to 15 tons of plasma table waste every three months, after me and the crane truck part company I'm going to park the small car trailer at this accounts place of business for them to fill.

    I'll miss the crane truck but not the fuel bills.

  26. #257
    corycouch's Avatar
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    I know you know this Gus, every time we think we got all the cars the phone starts ringing, one thing is sad but true every car has to drive its last mile sometime, I just hope I get to give them ALL their last ride

  27. #258
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    I know you know this Gus, every time we think we got all the cars the phone starts ringing, one thing is sad but true every car has to drive its last mile sometime, I just hope I get to give them ALL their last ride
    The whole thing is much more complex than what I'm publishing, for starters I'm paying $1.24 Canadian a liter for diesel which equates to $5.58 a gallon. The crane truck hauls a decent load but the cost of my fuel is taking a big bite out of pocket.

    From the last safety inspection I already know the front brake drums and shoes will not pass this next time around , drums are an oddball size most drums would cost around $100.00 or less these are $600.00 each then you have to buy the shoes and service kit.

    On my next birthday I'll be 63, I'm required to do a medical which would hold me until my 65th B-day then it would be a yearly thereafter.

    So I have decided to surrender my class 1 air, sell the crane truck with expensive maintenance and parts and poor fuel mileage to pull a trailer which for me is more convenient being able to move my loader around.

    I still have the white metal pile on the Reserve to clean up which is a job for the loader and a trailer with plenty of deck space. Dodge diesel is much more economical to drive and has lots of jam, I've got the 2nd gen Cummings.

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  29. #259
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    For you cat people found an interesting site with pictures identifying most common cats, to identify yours mouse over the appropriate picture.

    convertercore catalytic converter recycling

  30. #260
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The Gods are working in my favor, found the frame rails needed to build my trailer sitting right here in my yard. Just have to remove the body from that old school bus then I'll have 2 x 35 ft 2 3/8" x 8 1/2" rails.

    Now to find a piece of solid shaft to turn the king pin for the goose neck pin, and to think that I wanted to sell my metal lathe.

    I figure the way this project is shaping up that it wont cost more than $1500.00 to build a trailer with 30 ft of usable deck.

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