Judging by google maps about 6 1/2 hours from Roseau MN
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Judging by google maps about 6 1/2 hours from Roseau MN
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While out on a photo shoot and looking for suitable barn board to use for picture frames found these jewels under wraps.
The Honda CBX1000 was introduced in 1978 as the first production Honda motorcycle with an inline six-cylinder engine (earlier they had produced a Honda RC series six-cylinder race bike). The twin-cam 24-valve engine produced 105 bhp (78 kW). The model was produced from 1978 to 1982.
Quarter mile 11.34 sec. at 118.9 mph
Any idea what they're worth.
Last edited by gustavus; 10-11-2012 at 05:52 PM.
haha! a pretty penny?
just my .02 ; )
Last edited by Bear; 10-11-2012 at 07:54 PM.
Gus, I'm sure you know those are worth quite a bit more than scrap. The inline six is a collectors item and to have a "barn find" as it is called, will draw a LOT of attention. That picture should be the main one you use in any auction. As far as #1 sell as a lot, #2 sell seperate or # 3 part all three out. I would go with #1. Somewhere there is a collector drooling at the thought of grabbing all three in one swoop. #3 would get the most money, but time and space consuming.
That's my two cents. BTW, if you ever run into the old Kawasaki water buffalo, or Suzuki rotary or gamma, handle with care. They are also on the collectors list.
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Grabbed an empty camera, no memory. So there are no pictures of today's find.
Unbelievable 8 Datson 240 Z's, 7 scattered around the farm with 1 inside a shed. Everyone of them is re-storable, some engines had the multiple carburetors while some had fuel injection.
Two dorky moped's called a Carabela, plus a few old Honda cycles, the one Honda has the 4 cylinder engine while the other actually looks like an English bike ( Triumph ) with a tear drop tank, I think that I should start buying up some of this old junk then open up a website with my offerings.
Old Bikes and sleds in abundance with a few old cars and trucks all within a 10 mile radius from my home base.
I'm going to contact the owner of the CBX's over the weekend to see if we can come to terms. I'm not particularly interested in the Z's
Last edited by gustavus; 10-12-2012 at 06:35 PM.
Gus, I used to be into sports cars. If any of those 240's is a 72, GRAB IT! Just look up prices and you will see why.
Gus those 6 cylinder bikes are worth some cash!!
I'd pay 1000 for all 3, but thats from 1 picture. Could easily be more
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I'll go back in a few days and take pictures of all the Z's then post them here on the forum for all to see and judge their value.
landmine you hit the nail on the head, $1000.00 is what I have in mind to offer for all three bikes and not a penny more. If he accepts my offer it's going to rob funds from my photography. I figure it will take a bit of time to unload them before I realize a profit.
When I go back somewhere near the Datson Z's is a pair of OMC sleds each have the twin opposed cylinder engines. Just have to make sure the camera is loaded with a memory card when I leave the yard next time.
Anyhow it was not a totally wasted day, my initial goal when I left home was to pick up two bags of insulation and a few sheets of OSB to finish off my shop and have it ready for the long cold winter ahead of us. The shop is going to have heat and good lighting.
At least I came home with the goods I went out for originally.
Check out the classified column on the right.
Honda CBX Motorcycle World
You would need to register to get full viewings.
BTW, the one CBX in your picture on the right has vented discs. Nice.
As for the Z, I know it is a long shot and been a while since I've seen one, but any chance there is a Datsun SPL 311 in that barn?? I almost bought one years ago. Wish I did.
Here are some Z forums. I think the trans and something else was special about the 72. Not sure now.
For Sale (VIEW ALL) - ZDriver.com
Cars for Sale: 1970-83 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX
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While I was out found and old house with some really cool baseboard / door and window moldings for my picture framing material, had to remove a few doors before the molding would come free.
Door hinges are not the most exciting thing in the world unless they happen to be Eastlake - early Victorian. Trinkets for ebay.
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I love those! they are very pretty! I've never seen any brackets like those before now gus!
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newattitude these are actually door hinges, funny though because when the door is closed you don't get to see the pattern.
Take a look at the completed auction, the door knob and lock went for $215.28
I love this stuff.
westlake door | eBay
Last edited by gustavus; 10-13-2012 at 05:49 PM.
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I've extended this info list for newattitude, enjoy.
Older Television sets, Stereos etc etc that have those dorky fake drawer pulls that look like Amerock which sells on ebay regarless of age, some of the older stuff brings in big bucks.
You'll find Amerock on old kitchen and bathroom sets, door entry sets, you just never know what you have until the fat lady sings.
The image below is just a small sampling of what Amerock puts out for styles.
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Few years back I tore up the old tongue and grove decking from our front veranda, house was built in the early 1900's. Long story short is that decking material was cut from first growth Douglas fir with a very tight knot free grain.
Rather than turn it into kindling, installed a narrow kerf saw blade into the table saw and cut every usable stick into arrow blanks, then listed them on ebay.
Opportunity knocks at my door once again, the cedar baseboards and trim molding from this old house that i have been stripping of its treasures. Some of the boards are not suitable from picture frame material, these i will cut into arrow blanks.
I do not round the blanks, just sell the square blanks for the archery enthusiast who has the desire to make his/her own arrows.
Last time i was there I noticed the toiler sitting in the field, I'll have the remember to go over and get the manufactures name from it. I should be so lucky to find this one that sold recently for $350.00
yea people collect this ****.
vintage elephant toilet | eBay
Here's a link with pictures and prices.
Last edited by gustavus; 10-13-2012 at 06:59 PM.
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holy cow I can't believe that sold for $132.00!! Thats crazy!!
Good luck with the potty, I hope its a big money one for you!
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Bought this cool ARO Pneumatic 1100 lb hoist for my shop, when I did the renovation I installed an overhead trolly.
Now I have the perfect hoist.
ARO 1/2 TON 1100LB Pnuematic Hoist/ Winch - From Janesville GM Plant | eBay
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Another trip to the lumber yard, another adventure.
Stopped in for a coffee and carrot cake at the "Gone Scrapping" coffee shop in a small town west of me, the owner is into photography. She has a small photo printer that she does custom printing off of, any how we got to chatting and one thing led to another when she told me the town hall had just recently come across a bunch of glass negatives, which in fact are positive plates.
The town is looking for someone to digitize, after leaving her shop headed over to town hall, yea they have over 1500 glass positive plates that were found in an old building being torn down. Each negative is 5 inches by 7 inches, I only had a peek at a few before submitting my offer to digitize the lot.
Inside each envelope is one glass negative with two proofs, from the sample I have posted you will note that the image from the proof and negative are reversed, also that the proof ( print ) is the same size as the positive.
The reason for this is that the prints were made by contact, the glass positive plate laying onto the photo paper then exposed using a UV light source which could have been the sun at high noon.
The reason the images are reversed is because I held them wrong.
Judging by the clothing these folks wore I would say that this photographer was active during the late 1800's to around the 1920's or 30's
From the few plates and prints I did examine they were from silver which would indicate they were produced before the first world war, shortly after the war began silver was banned from public use having been called into duty for the war effort.
Last edited by gustavus; 10-16-2012 at 08:04 PM.
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Found an old house early 1900's with some really cool molding suitable for picture frameing, a bit of sanding and refinishing should put it ship shape.
The lock and entry set is not Westlake but very similar, should fetch an easy $50.00.
Ever hear back about the cbx's??
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Yea the farmer who rents the property is a jerk, so far I have learned from another that the registered owner is currently in Asia teaching English. I've been preoccupied with other projects and have not taken the time to find contact info which would be available from the Tax roll.
Probably let it pass.
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