Last week i thought that since their is SO much competition for general metal scrap, id try to dip into the
E-scrap business.
I stopped by Goodwill (A thrift store, if yall didnt know) and asked for the Manager. Long story short, i was walked out back, she said "We have a few TV's and Monitors, take all you want!"
Walked out back and saw 17 pallets full of tv's and monitors. I about had an accident in my Wranglers! She then showed me the 10 pallets of misc. plastics. Their were a bunch of printers, old stereo's, digital receivers, etc. She told me "The company that's supposed to pick them up wont answer their phone, they're yours".
Last week, in total, i grabbed 49 pallets. 40 of those were TV's/Monitors. The other 9 were the plastics.
I was in contact with United Metal, the owner told me they will buy my plastics for 1 cent a pound. He buys the printers and everything as plastic, that includes the backs of TV's and CRT's. So basically, i can make $$ on everything there!
I spent yesterday and today picking up more pallets. They had their stores from neighboring towns truck in their tv's/crt's. In 2 days i've hauled out 33 pallets this week. They have 2, 55 foot trucks full of pallets from the other stores around the valley.
And too top it all off, United Metals buys the high/mid/low grade boards.
I've got over 100 TV yokes, all the boards, and the gaussing cables sitting in my garage right now, crying for me "tear me down, doooo itttt"
Just thought id share that with yall.