Originally Posted by
Dell d630 duo cores with enough ram can handle it right?
Just barely and that's wil hyper-threading turned on. Windows 7 even basic sucks the space out of memory, video, and cpu. Microsoft at one time recommended your machine have 3gb of memory, at least a 500gb hard drive, and a quad-core cpu not to mention a high-end graphics card to take in all the Windows 7 offered. I was able to get win7 installed and ran on a Dell Optiplex with 2gb of memory, 100gb hard drive, a descent graphics card and a dual-core cpu with hyper-threading turned on. Ran slow as molasses till the hard drive died and the dvd burner stopped reading discs.
Point is you can get win7 to install and run but it will run slow as molasses no matter how much memory or hard drive space you throw at it, and not many XP machines will let you fully upgrade to a quad-core cpu or memory past 2gb. Especially Dell or Emachine.