Hi all! Got a great return from passing out cards at repair shops and offering a fair price list. The guy was on a new-girlfriend-imposed-deadline to clear out his backyard at home so have now done three truckloads more or less like the one below and doing another yet this week. Some of the other loads included boxes of motherboards, finger cards, hard drives and around 50 laptops. The lessons for me is, while I love my craigslist free section scores, putting in the work to drive around somewhat aimlessly and stopping at every computer and phone repair shop (most are not on maps apps and many not in the phone book) leads to consistent supplies. I've got three shops as repeat clients now and others that I've picked up just once so far. I'm also lucky to be doing this work in Las Vegas where fair e-waste prices are locally non-existent so fair prices are not only good ethically, but very successful. The loads from this one amount to roughly 5000lbs so far.