Hey SMF,
well I have come across what i consider an oddity and I was hoping for some wisdom. We just finished a telco install/de-install job in eastern Colorado. Part of the deal was we purchased all the old equipment. Well as you can imagine I could not wait to get home and open the trailer and start sorting. I came across a pretty good amount of Stromburg-Carlson Equipment. This was made in the 50's and 60's. It seems to have nice and thick gold fingers on it as well as transistors and other goodies. The back appears to have silver colored traces.
The bad part it has a lot of ferrite and other heavy junk on it. As well as being mounted on a big piece of steel. The steel comes off easy enough and what is left is a board.
I have taken a few apart they clean quick. One type even has large relays with copper cores when you clean those you have around 1 lb of copper.
My question any one ever seen these before and thoughts on what the traces are comprised of. Research on the net indicates that this manufacturer used a lot of palladium in telco gear in that era.
I have included some pics and any input is welcome.
I have thought about putting a nice cleaned up load together and sending it in to the processor/refiners.
Or if someone hear knows I would be wasting my time I will shear the fingers.
Thanks KrazyJ