I cannot stess enough to really look into old car parts. Some are worth a whole heck of a lot more than you would think. Like this for example:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/230684999169...fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 These were seriously in my scrap bucket. I decided to put them on
ebay and I got $53 for them. The guy wanted the green one but apparently the glass ones are from the '20s and were used on motorcycles and stuff as reflectors.
Even if you can't find it in a completed listings search on ebay, put it on there! You don't pay if it doesn't sell and you're only out the few minutes it took to put it on there. Chances are if its from an old car and it's in decent condition, you'll sell it for more than scrap value.
If anyone ever has any questions about old car parts, casting numbers, serial numbers, etc., please feel free to PM me as I have a lot of resources and old books on the matter.