Originally Posted by
Dumpster Dee
thanks Patton...how does it work....do you just ship it to him and he sends you a check, or do you have to send him pictures, or
what....that's why I was waiting....couldn't figure out the process 'cause a scammer could easily say send it and I'll send you a check....no offense to easyrecycle.
I totally understand Dee.
I had watched easyrecycle on the forum. He is a contributing member here, not just spamming.
(Wanna buy some tramadrol?)
Easyrecycle's and my deal was done with communication in PM's on the forum. The details of each persons transaction will be different. I had to go the paypal route.
I PMed him talking of the boards. He replied and we worked out the details of how it would work. I shipped him the boards, and waited
anxiously while he weighed them, figured price, and got back to me. The waiting from time of his receiving of the boards to payment was 48 hours. I understood that time frame since I was requesting a different payment source.
I took the risk and it turned out well for
me. I can say easyrecycle treated me well, and was courteous in all my dealings with him.
The other side is that easyrecycle took a risk with me. I never sent a picture of my boards to him. He could have very well received a 120 lb box of TV (bad) boards on his doorstep and then what? Tell me that he could not give me the agreed upon price since I misrepresented my product? I get all P.O.ed and bad mouth him all over the forum cause I was butthurt?
I can not say that it will turn out well with another user or with your dealings with anyone. The risk is there.
I am just thankful that the forum was here to give me the avenue to take that risk.