thought ya might find this funny, since most people think scrappers are low IQ idiots.

remember back a while my M in law wanted to sell her Motor home to the junk yard, for $900. I tryed and tryed to convince her to let me strip it first. but noooo the scrap yard will get mad at her for removing any thing, but the gas tank needed to be removed which I did for her my reward, of course the gas tank I cant do any thing with. ( in going to make an incinerator out of it Lol fooled her.

any way the other day the auto scrapper came and got the motor home she and my wife went along to get the money. while they were waiting to get paid they watched as the M home was loded on to the crusher and crushed before their eyes, including the new awning worth $200, all the copper wireing, at least $100 the brass, the inverter ( another $200) and any thing else of value. yup mr G ya cant fix stupid.