Hi all! Got a hit on my Craigslist wanted ad for arcade games tonight. From a profit perspective and even from a recycling perspective it's not an extraordinary find but from a coolness angle it's beyond great. It's a 1969, Chicago Coin Speedway game in its original cabinet. It about 75% works. There are some sound issues with it not registering collisions and one motor appears about gassed. It has a few dings and scratches and could use a proper refurbishing but is in surprisingly good condition. It's almost all electro-motor so no circuit boards worth scrapping (there is one, small, low-grade sound board) and but for a good amount of wire and a few pounds of motors it processes as nothing more than tin. So scrap value is maybe $25 all told. Guy was thinking to donate it to the Pinball Hall of Fame here in town. Probably gonna do that myself. Maybe can swing it so I'm a preferred contact for their e-waste and other scrap. Thinking long term that would be a pretty great client, likely better than the couple few hundred dollars I could sell it for right now. In any case it's a cool find. Here's some pics.