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I just received $220. ton for appliances and $250.ton for unprepared steel. Cars should be the same 250. They crush them and haul them to Omni in Ft Wayne. The one I sold a while back I did not have to poke a hole in the tank or drain any fluids, and if you need help they'll use their claw and pluck it off your trailer. This is Lewis Salvage in Warsaw.
Thank you Mechanic. That helps. I had a guy here telling me that Chicago area was paying 4x the amount they pay here for steel (to which I thought.. I smell B.S.) but I was hoping it was at least high enough to offset the gas and drive. Prices here are a little lower for cars.. but not by much. Top end was a Pic-A-Part that paid $220 a ton, Bottom end was the biggest yard in Columbus Indiana- Paying $140/ton on that same day. My favorite yard is in Greensburg IN, and they were at $200/ton. $250 a ton would be nice and I have heard good things about Lewis Salvage in Warsaw.. just don't think the gas would justify the haul from my locale.