I used a cold chisel, not the sharpest tool in the shed.
The bobbin kept crushing in the vise.
That took out both of the discs on each end & I needed to grind a weak point around the outer edge so i could get the chisel in & under the discs.
Your worst one was the same as my best one.
I will have another go at it since I have about 40 now, thats 3+Kgs. NZ$22 (US$16?)
When I scrapped microwaves with a hammer.....
I'd hammer the first pics part off with the hammer,
Then I'd bash the little ceramic part (with two pins on it) into the box.
Then I'd grab the fins with my right hand, box in my left, annnd Pull.
That'd pull the magnetron out of the unit & stretch the wires out, the ceramic pins'd drop out & I'd wiggle my right arm till the copper wires broke at the white ceramic part, then break them off at the magnetron.
I used two pipes to bash the Ali fins off the copper bobbin, sit the unit on top of the larger tube, the fins touching bit pointed downwards inline with the direction of the bash.
Then sit the smaller dia tube over the end of the bobbin & bash it so the bobbin slipped down into the tube.
2 bashes = a minute with the pliers.