Typical day today riding around all day working, mowing grass.
Found a tv behind shopping center I mow.
Found a 5 inch long piece of copper pipe at a house laying by road.
Picked up 29 alum cans all though out the day.
Found a stainless steel fork in a ditch.
Found some type of aluminum contraption that weighs a few pounds, must of fell off the back of a utility truck and ran over several times.
Open the dumpster at a church I mow, got a grill grate and stainless steel tongs.
At one shopping center I mow, around the back someone dumped a bunch of carpet and crap on the grass. I had to pick that chit up and throw in dumpster 20ft away,,(A holes) they did leave me 4 garden posts an a few tin cans.
Found a
microwave sitting on a curb for trash about 5 houses down from a house I mow.
An that is it for today.