
Tag: tv recycling

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  1. This is a how-to thread - Lead in Cathode Ray Tubes/Electron Guns

    Started by tjscrappsanything, 09-25-2014 09:40 PM
    cathode ray tube, computer, crt, display, electron gun, extraction, lead, monitor, phosphorous, process, removal, t.v, television set, tv recycling
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 10,710
    Last Post: 02-03-2015 05:59 PM
    by parrothead  Go to last post

    Scrap Metal Forum:
    TV and Monitor Recycling

  2. question of tv curcit boards

    Started by rodeocowboy72, 01-17-2012 10:07 PM
    tv recycling
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 4,947
    Last Post: 01-27-2012 07:21 PM
    by jackshmuc  Go to last post

    Scrap Metal Forum:
    General Electronics Recycling

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