I got some older cell phone's at a pick-up this morning and been doing a little research on 'em.
trying to get into the habit of looking up everything I get that's older or unusual, think it'll pay off looking things up
during my queit times and I can quickly decide whether to keep it, sell it or scrap it.
got this Motorola 9660 brick mobile, in box with everything in place and two old nokia NHE-5NA mobiles were in the box too.
my research shows the 9660 is the last of the bricks, it doesn't look like it's been used much, will be keeping this for now.
Aswell as the brick in box, there was this Motorola bag with a car phone, the bag holds a battery to use as a carry phone.
the white box above it has a lead acid battery charger, it's very unusual and i'm real happy it come with it.