An I'm going to show you what's inside one.
Lucky you.
Disclaimer: If you require videos...ask one of them video type people to make you a video of a mobile hotspot being broken down. I'm old school. Read and like it. (or not)
Tools I used : A screwdriver for prying. And well..that's it. A hammer to works if your having a bad day, or just like things smashed. Your buyer might hate you though if you go that route. Jus' saying.
This is a mobile Hot Spot...a t-mobile one to be exact. A model : MF64
To get into it, take said screwdriver, or something thinner..chisel edge works to. Pry up the black cover. Don't bother with the screws in the back unless you A. Have a tiny screwdriver and like fighting with things. B. Your bored, an have no paint to watch dry. Seriously...just pry the black part off. If it breaks..who cares. We're scrapping it. Not performing heart surgery here.
I have no idea if they work good or not. I got this from a customer, as well as a bunch of phones. I don't do resale's really doesn't matter to me if works, worked well, whatever.
Bottom of the Hotspot. Battery cover removed to show you the goat. It's a battery covers a battery. I put the goat there to see if your actually paying attention. Mean I know.
This is said hot spot...cover removed, and battery taken out. Battery pretty much makes up all the weight. No surprise there. It's a hot spot. Not HAL.
Now we have the "top" removed. Screen in middle. Aluminum covers the other sections on the left and right.
This is the top with covers removed and the ugly white case disposed of.
Bottom of board with covers removed. Yes, the yellow is gold.
Anyhow...the photos are coming up super huge, my apologies. The photos may be out of order to. Your smart folks, you'll figure it out if so. Used ImgBB for free hosting.
In short...decent board, little work involved. I didn't and don't pay for them. YMMV.
Sirscrapalot - Easy peasy.